The Wellness Zone

What Is Reiki ?

by Scott Cloran Security Officer
Scott Cloran Advanced   Security Officer
Reiki is a Japanese word. Rei means - Universal Wisdom. Ki means -
Life Energy.  Reiki is therefore -- life energy guided by universal
wisdom.  Reiki is pronounced Ray-Key.

Reiki is a powerful tool for physical,mental,emotional,and spiritual
healing andbalancing whilst greatly enhancing personal growth.

The Ki-- energy is the vital flowing life force contained in all
life. It is a whole and complete unlimited energy. All that is needed to
receive the Reiki is the desire to receive.

Most cultures and religions have a term which corrosponds to Ki------


1) Chi                                                      Chinese

2) Light or The Holy Ghost                      Christians

3) Prana                                                  Hindu and Yoga

4) Mana                                                  The Kahunas of Hawaii

5) Fluid of Life                                         Alchemy

6) Jesod                                                  Jewish Cabalists

7) Organ Energy                                     Wihelm Reich

8) Wakan                                                 Sioux


All these term refer to the same energy. All different systems
require different methods of contacting this energy. Reiki is a very
specific way of channeling this energy requiring only an attunement to
the energy and the intention to use it.It can be learned by anyone. It
is one of the easiest and most effective methods of natural healing.

Reiki can be used to treat anything on any level and is an effective
method of maintaining a balanced well-being. Reiki is universal and is
not connected to ant religion or belief system, but embraces and
enhances all such beliefs- bringing greater understanding and clearer
direction. Indeed it is Light and as such is a very powerful tool for
lifting the many veils of intellectual interpretation of religion,
allowing the esssence to shine through.It puts you more in touch with
your faith or religion, allowing your ascent to a plateau where all
things are seen with greater clairity.

A point to mention in the context of religion is that you do not have
to believe in God to practice Reiki,just love. It is a constant
connection between you and the universal light, wether that be God or
your higher self or simply the pulse and rhythm of nature.


Scott Cloran
Looking For A Healing?Get It Here !
Jan 7th 2011 23:08

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Kim Hipps Advanced   
Thanks for the Reiki refresher Scott. I'm actually a level 2 practitioner, Never made that 3rd Master workshop. Once you use it, you always use it either for yourself or others. Even plants and animals. It's powerful energy.
Jan 21st 2011 02:50   
Scott Cloran Advanced   Security Officer
Awesome, I am a Reiki Master,Wife is also.
We have a few clients that come to our house
every week. Slowly bringing in more.
Would love to do it full time.

Reiki is very powerful.

All the best,
Jan 21st 2011 20:15   
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