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by Laura Newton The Water Filter Lady
Laura Newton Committed The Water Filter Lady
This group is all about helping each other, so you may Post your advertisements here. You may use banners, links or short posts with a link.

I will start us out with a link here to my blog. Feel free to post it to your website, blog, facebook, twitter or where ever. Let each other know where you have made the post and ask for a return post.


Here is my blog link.


Feel free to start your own topic with the link that you want advertised.


NOTE: Apsense hides links in comments, so you must post your links in this format: http://www.yourwebsite(.)com
Jan 5th 2011 10:52

Sponsor Ads


Kathleen I. Innovator   BUILD YOUR DOWNLINE
Hi Laura, I tweeted your blog on twitter, looks like a great group idea here, thanks
Jan 6th 2011 13:29   
Kathleen I. Innovator   BUILD YOUR DOWNLINE
Hi the site I would like to see promoted is my, thank you so much, Kathy
Jan 6th 2011 13:30   
Laura Newton Committed  The Water Filter Lady
Thanks Kathy... put your link in like this http://yourwebsite(.)com That way I'll be able to see it.
Jan 6th 2011 13:40   
Kathleen I. Innovator   BUILD YOUR DOWNLINE
Thanks will try again, lol This is the site http://photographyfortoday(.)com
Jan 6th 2011 15:27   
Kathleen I. Innovator   BUILD YOUR DOWNLINE
Hi Laura I have tried several times, lol maybe this will work, lol photographyfortoday dotcom
Jan 6th 2011 15:29   
Donald C. Advanced   Freelancer
Great idea Laura. Kind of funny what happens to the links here, huh?
Jan 10th 2011 13:44   
Donald C. Advanced   Freelancer
Somewhere in the profile you can add your website and then it comes up under your "signature" in a post or comment.
Jan 10th 2011 13:46   
Lynda Rapana Advanced   What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
I would like to post my link Basically for those who are interested in Tarot. Also, if interested, Give me your link through private message and I will post it on my links page.
Jan 10th 2011 23:40   
Becky Ragsdale Advanced   One24 Taking The Internet By Storm
Thanks Laura this is very nice of you.I like that I can help my friends.Even though people get in my back office I send down to my team to help them and I always need all the help I can get meaning I have almost 70 peolpe under me.
Jan 13th 2011 18:32   
Richard Aspiras Advanced   Blogger and Investor
This is my blog, hope you will find it useful in discovering online money making sites. Cheers!

Jan 14th 2011 05:01   
Bobby Cousins Innovator   Ab and marketing expert
I am always looking for new friends and ways to advertise, and I have some great ways to advertise as well for free. Also I am the President of the Poverty Fighters, which is a home based business focused on ending poverty, we give our members over 100 income streams and over 200 places to advertise and as I said our main goal is ending poverty the concept is kind of like a charity that pays the members. Any ideas on how we can improve are welcome.

Right now we are using blogs as our website because we are a brand new business. If anyone could help in any way we would be extremely grateful. Learn more at

Thank you all in advance and anyone that helps can join us for free and get all the benefits our paying members get. Please please help. Every paying members we get we donate $2 to a charity and we are working on saving up to get all the supplies we need to start getting our work stations set up. So we are always trying to improve so we can help more people.
Jan 14th 2011 06:28   
Sheikh Sadiq Innovator   
Hope this really works and if so i wish to inform others too
Jan 15th 2011 10:09   
Sheikh Sadiq Innovator
Welcome to the Straight forward Afro mineral connection
Jan 15th 2011 10:14   
Kai Schubbert Junior   
great Ideas I'm open fore more
Jan 16th 2011 05:32   
Kai Schubbert Junior   
gratis Geld verdienen Affiliate Make Money
Jan 16th 2011 05:35   
Barbara Tesi Advanced   Online Business Owner
Hi Laura Just posted a banner and link on my blog would appreciate the return post to my blog link is Here is code for a banner also

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"></a>
Jan 17th 2011 11:55   
Brian Mattson Advanced   Rastelli Direct Leader
The group is awesome I love the idea to help one another post our businesses. Here is mine very simple Earn While You Eat. We have been in the food business for over 35 years and now have added network marketing to our company and it is awesome!!.

Jan 17th 2011 12:02   
Maria Rodriguez Innovator   
I just joined this group and loving it. I make my living doing affiliate internet marketing. I am looking forward to meeting new people all over the world. The company I promote everyone needs it is Get your website on National TV. Paul Darby is the CEO and Founder of the company and he is a honest and ethical person.When someone joins under you they pay Alert Pay a payment directly to your Alert Pay Account every month as long as they are a member. Go here now and join for free and check it out for yourself.
Jan 19th 2011 11:14   
Paul ODaniel Senior   Internet Marketer
Here's my website-a big welcome to all that visit
http://autorespondemarketingtips(.)com if this is the correct way to post it? Guess you have to remove the () before you visit ?
Jan 21st 2011 01:51   
Paul ODaniel Senior   Internet Marketer
Evidently the () doesn't prevent the website from being taken out ,but :) as my website is in my signature autorespondemarketingtips,you are all welcome to visit and leave a comment if you like. Thank You,Paul
Jan 21st 2011 01:55   
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