Just Joined APSense

Don't get me wrong!

by Beth Schmillen
Beth Schmillen Professional  
Dont get me wrong!
by James

When a person wants to learn more about a certain subject, they have emailed, and not read. Now, don't get me wrong, not everyone does that. There already is a video on the Apsense home page. This video explains everything, and if people still have questions they can look at the faq's link below. I have had many people people sign up for numerous things and they come back asking me questions, it's either because they are skeptical, or havent read what is supposed to be read. Now, let me ask you this question--How many of the policy pages has anyone read before they sign up for something only about 25%, they read half way through and they are done. Something is hard only if you make it hard! You are there always to answer questions, but, 99% of the time questions are asked they can be answered in the faq's section. This applies to Apsense.

My reply!

Well... you are wrong....!! (smile) You should always help those who were so gracious as to sign up under you or who are part of your networks...

Here's why!

1. not everyone can handle reading everything online as presented.
2. not everyone picks up on things as quick as say ... you do!
3. it is easy to overlook the obvious when new to a sight!
4. Everyone's learning curve is different... some have that bell shape and others (like me for a long while when I first started out) felt like a flat line with a few bumps on it!
5. if you don't have questions... you're not thinking!
6. Always ask questions. there are no 'dumb' questions


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Jun 7th 2007 16:28

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Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Beth, You may be right ... That is a great video at the start but..
The first thing I do when I get something new , you know like
something with a great # of parts to it.
Always been one to try to figure thing out on my own.
Since I started this APSense things are clearing up and I read and reread the FAQ's. They are clearer now. I think they changes them
( but maybe not)
The way that I have been fumbling along is by pushing buttons and dicovering all of the wonderful parts to this.
But most people aren't like me and I am guessing YOU.
They like to be taken by the hand and shown how to do this.
that is why I have created this little group.
Born teacher, what can I say.
Jun 7th 2007 17:30   
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