
Update Message & Just Gets Better & Better So Stop Sitting On The Bench Come Play With The Team :-)

by Vikki-Lee O'Meara
Vikki-Lee O'Meara Committed  
Below is the very current update email for Ez-Bizbuilder and as an Aussie (me) would say while I am playing Soccer or Footy and my fellow team players are still sitting on the bench and we need them so bad as one team player is pulled off with a broken leg, but you cannot play as you have not bought your team shirt ($39.95) so our Victory will leave special members behind and  I dont like to leave anyone behind :-)  Vikki-Lee

Todays Update Email From Management:


YOU Very Much For Being Members Of Our Team!!

If you are not a
member of Ez-Biz Builder, there is no better time than now to join

Although December is always a slow month for promoting most anything
online, we continue to see growth, and we have much planned for continued
promotions throughout December and comes January, we will all be in a great
position to attract the attention of many that will be looking for ways to earn
extra cash to pay for those holiday bills.

Go here:


(Your sponsor will be Vikki-Lee O'Meara)

Once you join and upgrade, you
will be placed in the best possible location within our team...and collectively,
we will help grow your downline for a very long time to come. This is the
ultimate team build, whereas it is to our advantage to help you, help your
downline and so forth, and as the leaders of our team cycle through the various
stages of the business opportunity, we will be allocated a significant amount of
our earnings to additional advertising and PIFing of other members, including
additional Charity positions.

For those of you that are members, please
get those ads out there, talk to your business associates and keep your dream
alive...Although many may be treating this as a passive income opportunity,
which is fine, many of our team are recruiters, so go recruit!!

I would
like to say a BIG THANK YOU to the following members for their
unwavering commitment to this team:

Tony Berry, Vikki-Lee O'Meara, and
Gaye Nicholas

Again thanks..I see your ads almost everyday and appreciate
your efforts!! Many others are also working behind the scenes and helping to
develop our goals and future plans, including Gordon, YoVonna and Steve..Thank
you all...I love teamwork!!

Coming soon...

December 20th - We
start a very serious promotion, whereas we are going to start broadcasting to
20,000 or more leads we have, plus we are investigating other sources of leads
to add to our autoresponder series.

Early January - We are considering
another high end advertising source,

Everything we are doing is for the
benefit of the entire team!!

Also, please visit or RPA Team site from
time to time, whereas we will be adding more information as we go, plus we are
considering doing team conference calls for those interested, and these calls
will be recorded and posted in the site.

above covers today's news..Just keep promoting and help us make 2011 a great

Regards and Happy Holidays,

Dec 13th 2010 00:57

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