Helping New Members Benefit from Apsense

Not Why I joined, instead Why I became active at APSense

by Philippe Moisan Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I signed up at APSense back in August 2010.I had become active in Inter Marketing about a month before that. I had bought tons of products, joining sites and lists like crazy, including here. Somehow, I had not taken the time to really look at APSense. One thing I must mention, APSense did not look as good as it does now.Back to topic.
My good friend Mark Hodgetts said APSense is a great place to promote. Now, I trust Mark's judgement, because he has taught me so much and he has years of experience in Internet Marketing.I took a real look, got excited, and things started rolling.APSense is now my favorite site. Apart from surfing on TEs, I spend a lot of time here.The owner, Wincer Song, keeps adding new features. There are tools to fight spam.The ezine feature is wonderful ! I believe the service will really take off soon.I'm improving my ABC and started promoting it on TEs, I believe it's a good thing to do so, as it shows who I am and the things I promote.
Nov 1st 2010 23:06

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Wincer Song Magnate II Deluxe   Founder
Thank you, Philippe!

Diversity, it is what we working on APSense.

Hope you will enjoy with it.
Nov 1st 2010 23:39   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Well said Phil, very well said what we are all working towards, making this the best possible social site to work with and grow with.

All The Best
Nov 2nd 2010 07:09   
Felipe Innovator   
I agree, I tried a few sites like this in the past, but this looks so far the best place.

I do think that since this is a place for businesses there are a few tools that could be useful and are not yet implemented, I have found a lot of ways to monetize, but what if I want to make make connections?

How do I do that?

Other than making direct connections and talking to them, I would really like to get feedback from my projects and even help others.

I started a RevPage thanks to the help of affiliantes.

But so far it does not seem to be working of much.

How about business proposals and so on?

Nov 2nd 2010 07:16   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
@Felipe, the trick at ApSense is to use the "promote" link on everything you do. It takes credits to do so, but we're not here for a free ride. I'm a Partner, so I don't have to worry about credits, I have plenty for my needs. And of course, write headlines that catch attention.
Nov 2nd 2010 08:39   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
You are absolutely correct Phil, how it all works out the more you promote the more hits you generate that turn out to be leads....
Nov 2nd 2010 08:50   
Felipe Innovator   
Thanks for the replies, starting to catch on.

I did see the promote link, but I did not have enough credits to use it.

But for instance, I have this website and I have a product to offer, I have been trying to use classified ads and so on, but I would like to make direct connections, that is one of the reasons I wanted to try this site, is there a place to do this? Where I can have serious discussions about what I have to offer and others, making true business connections?

Nov 2nd 2010 09:27   
William Carter Advanced   Internet Radio Station Owner
Hi! It is fun to visit APSense and the information and motivation here is great! I agree, APSense is my best place to come to as we can learn so much and network with all kinds of cool marketer people.
Keep on rockin Philippe!
Nov 4th 2010 21:41   
Gautam Jain Advanced  Consultant
Hi Philippe, i just joined you and with very next moment i start learning about apsense. Now, I can also say why should i become active here.

Nov 26th 2010 22:47   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Hi gautam, I'm glad I could help. :)

It's fun to see older discussions come alive again. As soon as you posted your comment, I received a notification saying you had posted here. I came to see your comment. I'm happy to see you wrote something more than simply "great blog" or "very interesting". Keep going with informative or appreciative comments like that, it helps others to know a little more about you, you'll get attention faster that way.
Nov 26th 2010 22:56   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
This is a real solid piece of information That Phil wrote, how he feels and what direction he wants to take his business and what he will succeed with APSense and with everyday life....He is focused and has a vision of what he needs to do...

All the best Phil...well said and done....good talking to you also last nite....sorry it was so late....but time waits for no one..........

Nov 27th 2010 09:45   
Mellisa L. Committed   Lash Artist and Content Creator
I became active here after joining years ago. Once they started adding all these great new features I really saw the potential in it.
Dec 10th 2010 21:43   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
@Blinky L, the way things are going, I think we ain't seen nothing yet :)
Dec 10th 2010 23:29   
Cynthia Gallimore Junior   
I was referred by Laura. She said this was a great site to network with other like minded business professionals. I hope to learn from and share ideas with others.
Feb 4th 2011 01:10   
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