Just Joined APSense

Best way to grow contact list..

by Cindy Bolley HHCTB?
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Some people click for credits in Traffic Exchanges,
I click for contacts here at APSense.

In order for you to grow your LIST here at APSense you will want to
add people into your contact list.

I am going to give you the 2 ways that I do this

#1  Starting from your main page and if your not sure what page I am referring to
Log in and click on "My Account"
To the Right you will see NETWORKING click that tab
Right under that tab you will see EXPLORE MEMBERS. click that
When you get to that new page scroll to the bottom on the right you will see recently
joined members. I go down that list and one by one I click there name and send a request to contact and follow.  I hit either the BACK button or once again the EXPLORE MEMBERS button.
There are usually about 10 listed there. I do all of them.

#2  I click the Members Online Button,  this will take me to a page that shows all of the members that are currently online. One by one I click their username and I will be taken to their page and I will click the request to contact and follow button. These members will usually accept your request because they will get a notice as soon as you do it

When you do the first way I suggested you usually have no idea about them they have just joined so they probably do not have anything set up yet. If you do the second way, your able to read about them and decide if you would like them in your contact list.

Now I am just going to tell you what I do... I send a request to everyone. APSense has set limits so how many will depend on YOU. But I send to all that I can. I know that if I no longer want to have a particular person as a contact I can block them just by clicking on their username and BLOCKING them......  simple.

Couple things... Just because I added you as a contact does not give you permission to SPAM me with what it is your doing. Gosh I just hate that. I never EVER read them, Those messages are delete as soon as I get them. You could be giving me a million dollars and I wouldn't know BECAUSE  I do not read them.

I have some people that decline my request to follow.. I have yet to figure out why someone would NOT want me to be a contact of theirs... I must have done something to offend them but I have no idea, I just met them how would they know they don't want to be a contact of mine?

APSense has just added a new button/bar  it says,
You have a request to add # contact  it is located on that main page right under your 3 URL's Click that button and it will take you to a page that shows who has sent you a contact request.  Your able to accept or decline.
I am SURE that those people just clicked the wrong button for me.. haha

Now,   let's ALL get connected and NO SPAMMING Please.
I just hate that. with all of the great ways that APSense offers you to
advertise there is just no reason what so ever to SPAM 

Sep 12th 2010 09:31

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Scott Strawser Advanced   Entreprenuer
Thanks for the Heads Up...
Sep 16th 2010 06:00   
Cindy Bolley Magnate II Premium   HHCTB?
Just trying to help
Sep 16th 2010 06:55   
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