by Agus Mirwan ANYTHING...
Agus Mirwan Professional   ANYTHING...
ADTOLL is owned and operated by Purplex Pty Ltd. The company was formed in 2004 by Dan and Paul, twin brothers. Their ambition is to provide high quality, personalised, interactive online services.ADTOLL is a great alternative to AdSense and other advertising programs! Payments are on time, really easy navagation and the best support. All e-mails are responded to within 24 hours. I give ADTOLL 5 stars and 2 thumbs up, A+++. Keep it up ADTOLL and you will be up there with Google AdBrite!
Once joined, there is a useful referral program to make money and adding your site as a publisher is very easy!
Payment terms are cheque, Paypal, ePassporte and Wire/Bank Transfer.
The newest technology by ADTOLL is a Peel Away Ad technology that shows a peel on the top right hand side of a web site. When the mouse moves over the peel it opens smoothly to reveal the advert within. This new ad format allows you to make use of the lesser used, yet highly visible top corners of web sites. It is very non intrusive to the site visitor. Since it uses a small amount of space, it is efficient use of web site real estate. An additional plus is that such a new advertising format always draws curious clicks for visitors.

ADTOLL is a moneymaking program through online advertising. It basically offers CPM and CPC method of earning money. CPM or ad impressions benefit website or blog owners whenever an advertisement appears on the screen during a visitor's visit to the site. CPC, on the other hand, earns money when a visitor clicks an advertisement found on the pages of the site. The ADTOLL network allows the website owners to establish their own price per ad appearance or per click, or a fixed price option for sponsored ads and they pay a 75 percent commission based on this.


1. Allow publishers to earn money through fixed price sponsored advertisements and Cost Per Click

    (CPC) Run of Network (RON) advertisements.

2. Publishers have complete control over the content and relevancy of the ads that appear on

    their sites.

3. Provides all of its publishers with rate cards, which provide advertising information such as prices

    and traffic.
4. ADTOLL's Autopricing allows publishers to have the prices of their ads set and maintained


5. Online Advertising, Pay Per Click Advertising, Banner Advertising, Video Advertising, Text

    Advertising, Peel Away Advertising, Affiliate Program.
Oct 21st 2009 07:41

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