LCW Business Group - APSense help and tutorials

Setting Up API

by Super Surf System
Super Surf System Freshman
I am totally confused....

I know what it is for but I have tried everything I can think of..

I have created forums with the names of the tables *tag and all that jazz but no luck

Any thoughts??
Apr 8th 2008 17:22

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Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
No I dont but give me a few hours

I will do my best to get the information for you.

Apr 8th 2008 17:27   
Super Surf System Freshman  
Thanks so much!

Apr 8th 2008 18:10   
Super Surf System Freshman  
I am still having no luck but I think I may launch the feature with out it :P
Apr 9th 2008 15:48   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
This is not going to be a lot of help but its all i have so far.

Right now it is primarily for safelist owners so they can publish their news.
I have asked for the how you would use it
where you would use it and why you would want to use it.

at this time I have the following

you can post news to apx with your web script
you write one web form to post data to the ichannel api
it will be saved in the APSense db

I will do a bit of experimenting in the next day or so and see what I can figure out.

Apr 10th 2008 06:30   
Super Surf System Freshman  
Yeah I have the forum almost working just trying to figure out how to get the content ID random

Apr 10th 2008 08:56   
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