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(¯`*•.(¯`*• Come on folks, let's liven up this joint •*´¯).•*´¯)

by Paula Gaon
Paula Gaon Senior  
Hello Everyone,


Great weekend to you.  It's been pretty quiet around

here lately.  Aren't you hankering for a little action?

OK, so here it is.


Everyone enjoys quotes and saying-funny, witty

profound, inspirational, whatever...  They're the

easiest way to break the ice and get things

moving.  Here's one of my favourites:


"You win a few, you lose a few,

some get rained out,

but you got to dress for them all."

~ Satchel Paige

It's obvious that Satchel wasn't just talking about baseball.  This is a winning attitude about the

game of life.


So now it's your turn.  Pull up a chair, order your

favourite soft drink (no hard stuff, we want you on

your toes) scratch your head awhile, no excuses.

Get out your Websters or surf over to

braineyquote.com and let's hear it.


Get ready for some real fun.  If you're not careful,

you just might learn something--can you guess

who said that?


Mar 8th 2008 13:54

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Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
"world of captains baby ship of fools, drowning while they're telling you...."

-Matt Good
Jun 10th 2008 00:37   
Karl Rose Advanced  
I think we ALL KNOW this one already but I'll say it again. The K.I.S.S. system:

keep it simple stupid

OR here is another WE ALL KNOW as well:

if it ain't broke, don't fix it

have a good day!
Jun 10th 2008 14:25   
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