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Need help!

by Rich Scott
Rich Scott Advanced  
We have created a forum and we have been working hard to lay the foundation! We are a teambuilder forum where each member has a common goal we are 600 strong now! and we are working on a teambuild with a program called Totalisation. 

 Well you knew I was going to ask for a little help! lol. I am asking for my team! We have just started a teambuild on a program! I am not asking you to join or pay anything, all I am asking is if you would consider looking at our forum and ideas maybe if you like what you see you can pitch in we all can use your help to do a little better for the community!

I promise, our teambuilders are sincere people within a forum. I joined this forum in Sept. and it became a second home for me! I want to help my new friends succeed and your joining will give the others the boost that its not impossible to build a group!

Thank you for you time in reading this! I hope we will become friends

Here is the link for the group!

Here is the link for the forum!

Truly and Sincere

Rich Scott

Mar 7th 2008 11:10

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