
This Has Moved Me To Action

by DeVonda Dunn
DeVonda Dunn Advanced  
I always hear people say "find something you are passionate about"
and talk about it from the heart, so here I am.  I love helping children and when my church
decided to support this program, I was moved.  By just giving a few bucks, we have helped
thousands of children, so far.  Take a moment and check out the video, no pressure to donate.
Dec 15th 2007 15:04

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Justin R. Advanced   Music is Life
This is for a great cause everyone, take a look.
Thanks Devonda, I became an Ambassador.

Dec 15th 2007 15:26   
Selya Rollins Professional   Creative Imagery
Very nice program, does this transform to something
else after 12/21?

Dec 15th 2007 18:21   
DeVonda Dunn Advanced   
Yes, they offer free tele-classes and audio seminars on various topics,
throughout the year.

Dec 19th 2007 12:26   
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