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Come On... We All Have One

by Lynn I. Earning Online Since 1999
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
As the year is coming to a close, we all start thinking about resolutions we will make for the New Year. When I was younger I used to make more than one....thinking I would keep at least one of them...lol. As I grew older I tried to keep it to one or two.

This year it will be to stay on my healthier way of living, I am eating more healthy and I am exercising daily. Some of you know I have doing this for going on 7 months and I have lost 14 pounds. But, since what I am doing is not a diet, but a lifestyle change it is important to follow through daily. This will keep me around alot longer to enjoy my loving husband and see my wonderful children grow up and start their lives.

So come on and share your New Year resolution with us.....


Dec 9th 2007 18:09

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Mike Senior   
My Resolution will be to go to the gym more than twice A week and attend church and religious functions more often. I also plan to step up my Network Marketing Activities nationally and globally. So look for me in a city near you. I also want to increase my library to tune-up my marketing methods and skills.

You know what, I'm going to start right now. Better now than later.
Dec 9th 2007 18:24   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
My resolution is to give more of my time. I know I can I've just been lazy about it. I'm involved in two projects to support kids and they will keep me busy in the upcoming year.
Dec 9th 2007 19:25   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999

Those are all good. It seems you are going for a good balance in your life.

Dec 9th 2007 21:09   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999

That is wonderful. I am for anything that helps our children. Luckily at my daughters school we have alot of parents involved. It really shows on nights like their Christmas concert. We always have to have it at a local highschool auditorium, and it is still a packed house :)

Dec 10th 2007 08:00   
Paula Gaon Senior   

You're very lucky that you can even target one or two.
As I get older, it gets harder & Harder to know where
to begin--LOL.

Dec 31st 2007 14:07   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
I have found that most people make the same resolutions each year and then promptly forget about them.

I have to ask myself why do they bother when tthey know they are not going to keep them.

Personally I dont make any as I am always trying to do better all the time anyway, setting new targets as time progresses. So basically I am make new resolutions all year round.

After all resolutions are just that Targets.

Jan 1st 2008 21:37   
Jill Davidson Advanced   
I haven't made any resolutions for years! Like BJ, I just try to do my best all the year through!
Jan 2nd 2008 16:17   
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