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Four Income Streams - One Time Investment

by Yvette Lemon-Tolliver
Yvette Lemon-Tolliver Professional
I have an easy way to earn extra cash for the holidays and for the rest of your life. All it takes is a very small one time investment of just $25 and if you know 3 people who know 3 people who would also like to share in the wealth... Your money will soon be working for you with no further investment required EVER and NO MONTHLY FEES!


Skype:  yvelem60
Dec 4th 2007 15:16

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Yvette Lemon-Tolliver Professional  
In less than 24 hours (Jan 3rd, 2008) Fortune5Minutes Founder and CEO Rick Mathews will make a very special announcement that will affect the entire membership and GUARANTEE SUCCESS. Here is an excerpt from his recent email:

... Join our Online Conference for BIG announcements on ... 3 January 2008!
Refer to schedule and conference software download on Your F5M website.

It really doesn't matter whatever else anybody is doing now ...
because we will not conflict with any program on the Internet!

Starting 3 January, for each and every serious online network marketer,
and for each and every person who has not yet had success online,
we will make each and every one of them an offer they CAN'T refuse!

If you do not share this with all your online business associates,
trust me ... somebody else will!...

... Rick Mathews

This is an exciting time for F5M and NOW is the time to join before the masses. Tomorrow, Jan 3rd 2008, will bring a new announcement that will benefit the entire membership base wih a GUARANTEE for SUCCESS. Conference times are 3pm and 9pm EST.

Are you ready to join NOW?

Access the conference room and/or join now from here:

Jan 2nd 2008 22:58   
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