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Which of the raising stats gives you more pleasure?

by Indrit Shkodra
Indrit Shkodra Senior  
Well when you work hard to Apsense, then certainly you will see the benefits of your work.
And there is no  pleasant  feeling  then that when you  wake up in the morning and see your stats updated and this fills you with concentration and desire for hard work.

Well to me personally i enjoy the most when my network get bigger, and after that i enjoy also the honor points.
My money are still not to0 promising :-) but i still hope for the future.Better work now.

I am curios to know how people who have reached big scores and high stats how do they feel??
They are free to let us know.:-)
Nov 10th 2007 07:53

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Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
I believe all positive progress is good. This what I try to explain to members. As long as your stat numbers are growing in a positive manner, it is great. Some get discouraged and shouldn't ,as we all have been online for different amounts of time. I believe everyone is able to achieve success, it just a matter of investing enough time and having enough determination. As long as we put forth energy everyday....it will happen.

Take care, Lynn
Nov 10th 2007 08:02   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I still remember reaching level two and how great it was. As Lynn says all progress is good and each rising stat is proof of your progress.
Nov 10th 2007 09:58   
Candice Hampton Advanced  Accounting
I am not the best writer so have a tendency to not do it often enough. But i worked hard on my business center and never got to the favorites but it did keep rising, good feeling.

Then I lost my whole page with one click and was totally bummed and thought my stats
would denminish and I didn't like that idea, but what are you to do.

Well I haven't yet put my center back to the way it was, but my stats did not deminish, i didn't think they have risen, but at least i still have what I had.
So to answer your question, i guess it mattered to me and made me feel good that maybe I was doing something right. LOL

short version made long

Nov 10th 2007 10:57   
Indrit Shkodra Senior   
For me i got a fixation that every time i log in i hope that my network is raised, and every time i log in my eyes go by instinct to my network :-)
Nov 11th 2007 17:07   
David Schupbach Senior   
I know that it has a subconcious effect on me... I always feel better when my stats go up! Somehow = success in my mind!
Nov 11th 2007 20:57   
Jennifer Underwood Professional   Promoter
I have been surprised at my level...I really haven't done anything with Apsense..other than being myself...and having fun!
But of course proud of it! And even have gotten my first $50!
Nov 11th 2007 21:53   
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