Business Round Table

100 point club(exposure system)

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
I use a very specific exposure system to get the word out about my services.  It's very simple to do.  The goal is to exceed 100 points per day.  Everything I do is assigned a point value.  I work 7 days a week because I include my online time as work also.

Point values

Appointments  10

Phone calls 10 Speaking to gatekeepers(receptionists/secretaries) doesn't count, only decision makers

Follow ups 5

Proper exposures 10 That's actually getting the exposure to view a tool(website,DVD,magazine)

Membership(sale)/Recruits 50

Online Marketing 25

Team Events 100.

Team events are given a lot of weight because they are necessary.  The events recharge your batteries after spending a week listening to no or maybe.  Most people still say no to what I see as necessary so I'm doing more educating than selling.

The whole purpose of this is not to guarantee I'm going to make X amount of dollars but to keep me consistent in what I do.  The consistency gets me in front of more people which means I can educate more people and it's funny how people will call me out of the blue.  Many people don't see the need until something happens to them, but they remember me and that I gave them information on my service and call when they are ready.
Oct 29th 2007 09:50

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Lee Poulson Advanced   Health Coach
This is something I need.
I may have to adjust the points a little bit though.
Right now I’m spending a lot more time on training that exposing.
You didn’t leave any points for sleeping!
I’ve got to do that too.

Oct 30th 2007 01:33   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Sleeping is the reward for making your points. If you concentrate on exposing it goes pretty fast.
Oct 30th 2007 06:22   
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