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Does this only happen to me?

by Susan coils Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business
Susan coils Senior   Web Design & Marketing...

I just wondered if these type of things happen to other people, or if it is just me. Warning - not for the faint hearted!

I have been getting some work done on my house.

1 decided to put laminate flooring down in the living and dining room. So the fitter came to do the job. Except, when I pulled up the carpets, I had a huge lump in the middle of the floor, which had to be hammered out. Also, the folks who had put in the fireplace had concreted it in, but the concrete was so lumpy it had to be chiselled off before the laminate could be laid. Of course, the fitter hadn't brought safety glasses, because you don't usually have to chisel floors before laying laminate!

2 Needed a new ceiling in my downstairs loo. But turned out the light wasn't working in there so had to call an electrician to have that fixed before I could get the new ceiling. Did that, guy came, put up the ceiling. Great. Till I tried to switch back on the power! Turns out, he'd put a screw through the cable. Never happened to him before! So now, the ceiling is back down and I need another electrician.

3 bought a new computer desk as old one was falling to bits. Turns out, it wouldn't fit together properly, none of the screws would go in to their allotted holes! Aghh. Back to the shop to get it replaced.

4 When I finally reconnected computer, the interent wouldn't work. Took me ages to sort out, as I'm not technically minded.

So now I'm wondering if this is jsut me, or is this normal? I can laugh at it now, but really the time wasted instead of just being able to get on and have something done is sooooooo frustrating.

sorry this is so long, but if it doesn't happen to you, then count your blessings. You are truly lucky. If it does happen to you, know that you are not alone and I too share your pain, LOL.

Oct 28th 2007 03:25

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Penny Young Committed   Consultant
OMG I could have written this ... LOL! Points 3 and 4 happened to me exactly as stated. Also, recently we had water coming through the kitchen ceiling (the bathroom is directly above the kitchen). The plumber came and had to pull apart the kitchen ceiling and drill through concrete up to the bath, only to realise THAT wasn't the problem. Then we had to stay out of the bath and shower for three days (hmmm) while he put dye in to find the leak. Nothing. Finally he decided it was the overflow pipe from the hot water, and was third time lucky. He said he had NEVER seen that before.

So, yes, you are not alone. I share your pain.
Oct 28th 2007 06:18   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi San,

ever heard of Murphy"s Law lol

Oct 28th 2007 06:56   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Sometimes I think there is a remodeling hex floating around! Believe me I've had my share of of problems too!
Oct 28th 2007 09:03   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
You are not alone :) I have those days...and it is frustrating to the point I just give up and laugh. We are fixing up a rental property before we can rent it out, and it can be slow when you move 2 steps forward, 1 step back..but we are getting there. And it sounds like you are too. Here is hoping it is smooth sailing for you from this moment on. Lynn
Oct 28th 2007 09:05   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
LOL!! I think we all have days like these, our first night in our recent home the basement Flooded! Nothing like a little sewer backup to make your day..lol

Oct 28th 2007 10:06   
Patricia Knapps Advanced   Gift shop owner
Hey,sounds like home to me!
Oct 28th 2007 14:42   
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