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Win !! Win !! Win !!

by Beth Schmillen
Beth Schmillen Professional  
 Enroll Today As A FREE Member & Walk Away With CASH Prizes!!!

The Winner's Pool!  


Welcome to the Winner's
Pool!You can win cash and prizes every week and it’s completely free
to enter. The rules are simple. For every free WIN event that you attend you
will be entered one time into the next week’s winner’s pool. The more free WIN
events you attend the more times you are entered and the more chances you have
of winning one of the prizes.  


  Every event is free to
attend!  Each event will provide you with information on how to save
money or earn money. There is never any obligation to purchase any products or
join any program and no obligation to attend any events. But if you do attend at
least one fifteen minute free event the very next week you will have a chance to
win money or prizes. Just attend and win. It’s that easy!


  Invite others and win multiple prizes every week!
Invite others to join the win network for free so they can win weekly cash and
prizes and every time any one of your personally invited members wins you will
win the same prize. Win ten, twenty even hundreds of times a week just by
inviting others to join for free and attend free win events. The only rule is
you must be entered at least once in the winner’s pool when any person you
invited wins in order for you to win the same prize. If you didn’t attend a
event the week before and one or more of your personal invitees wins the next
week you will not be eligible to win. Invite others to win and attend one win
event a week and you will always be eligible to win multiple cash and prizes! It
all starts here!  
Oct 28th 2007 00:15

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Dominique G. Senior   HR
Hi Beth, I was wondering how this opportunity is working for you? I joined it awhile back, but keep missing the events to watch! I think it was last week, that I finally found an event in time, but the person running it was taking too long so I left it. Hopefully, I'll find another one to watch soon!
Nov 11th 2007 22:52   
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