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Most Embarrassing!

by Penny Young Consultant
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
My three year old daughter asked a woman in the queue at the bank if she had a "baby in her tummy".  Nothing wrong with that, except that the woman was eighty years old.   Fortunately, the lady had a sense of humour.

Another time, she was totally enthralled by heavily tattooed bikie.  "Look at that man, Mummy", she piped, "He's a naughty man, isn't he?".  There was dead silence until she said, "He's being drawing on himself with texta.  That's naughty, isn't it?!".

Lucky we love them so much!
Oct 27th 2007 23:59

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Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
lol... kids will say the darndest things :o)
Oct 28th 2007 00:34   
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
True, Eric. They are so honest, and they say exactly what they think.
Oct 28th 2007 02:01   
Manisha Verma Innovator   
My son made a drawing on topic " my family" My hubby is going bald but he made his father wiiht lots of hair, I asked him why he said next time you get me a father get the one with hair as I do not know how to draw a bald father. I just couldn't help laughing at his innocent remark. They are really something are they not.
Oct 28th 2007 02:56   
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
LOL! That is gorgeous, Manisha! Thanks for sharing your story :)
Oct 28th 2007 03:18   
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
My daughter was given an inflatable cow in the supermarket today (yes, you read that correctly). I had to blow it up when we got home. It took ages.

Only the two of us are home, and I came downstairs just now to find the cow propped up sitting at MY computer dressed in MY pyjamas.

My daughter has no idea of the implications of her dress up game, but we now have one inflated cow and one mother with a very deflated ego ... lol.
Oct 31st 2007 01:38   
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