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by Junwei Dong Salesman
Junwei Dong Advanced   Salesman
I WANT TO CHAT with someone al over the world , and i hope to chat with others by video.and i want to know what kind of chat software do you use?and which one do you like best.

Oct 26th 2007 23:39

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David Schupbach Senior   
I use yahoo messenger, but I am not aware whether it works worldwide or not.
Oct 27th 2007 07:04   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Mo and Junwei,

Yohoo, msn, Aim, Skype, and Paltalk, all work world wide.

My pesrsonal preference is Skype. although I have Paltalk and have had it for 7 years.
I also have MSN,
All three are open 24/7 on my PC

Yahoo and AIM you wont see eithr of on any PC I own in a million years.
They are both intrusive, and take over control of things on your PC without you being asked and both are worse than a viruse to get rid of.

Oct 27th 2007 12:01   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
well I see I made a typo and said Yohoo instead of yahoo.

However I am not going to corect it as I have no respect for them anyway
because of thier intrusive sofware.

Oct 27th 2007 12:23   
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