Helping One Another Become The Best They Can Be

Creating Impressions:.....

by Joseph Botelho Investing One Gram at a Time
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
October 5, 2007


This Topic is so important in anything you do in life you need to "Create Impressions", how life is, how else are they going to remember you. What this group is all about helping one another become the best they can be. If you have a desire to learn this and other effective concepts then you should join our group and provide or just learn the techniques on how to "Create Impressions" and other very important topics in self improvement. I will add more concepts and tips on how you can really become what you honestly what to be.

Steps to Learn and Understand

Play Off Preconceptions:
Consider doing the opposite of what someone expects. Often it's remarketably effective.

Letters As Emissaries:
Correspondence-both internal and external-is one of the most frequent opportunities you have for presenting yourself to the business community.

You're Known by the OfficeCcompany You Keep
As we have seen, your secretary is your official link with the outside world, and how she deals with it is a mirror imagine of how the outside worlds sees you.

Dress As though You Mean Business
Dress the part and show that your in control and the respect will be there for you to control.

Don't Be a Time Thief
The most frequent executive complaint is lack of time-enough hours in the day to get everything done.

Your Own Turf
There are times when one of the best sales techiques in the world is simply to "show up'-to hop on a plane and go wherever you have to meet someone at his convenience, at his office............this is powerfull is it not!!

This is what this group is all about self improvement happens when you want it to happen. Remember your in control so decide what you want and do become the best you can be

JOIN OUR GROUP we do appreciate your feed back, welcome on board and share your thoughs with all of us...
Oct 5th 2007 19:49

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
First impressions are lasting impressions.
Oct 6th 2007 08:49   
Lanny B Senior   
Perfect i like it, def dress the part u are playing and show the desire for what you want to b personified as.
Oct 6th 2007 17:46   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
That first impression not only affects how people view you, but also your business. You don't want to leave them with a "Bad taste in their mouth." You effectively kill any future chances with them.
Oct 6th 2007 17:54   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
You are all so right Lanny and Cheryle.....................Let's go RED Sox's...............kidding you Lanny....
Oct 12th 2007 07:32   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
If you don't think creating a first impression is important, I recently started building a relationship with a gentleman that owns a mortgage company. I'm not the first Prepaid Legal rep to meet this gentleman. He scheduled an appointment with me and lo and behold after our appointment he told me about the first rep he had contact with.

The gentleman had left a very bad taste in his mouth. The only reason he had agreed to meet me was because his is a savvy businessman and understands our product. He was totally disgusted with the actions of the first rep he had dealt with and was prepared for more of the same from me. However he was impressed with my businesslike demeanor and positive honest attitude. The gentleman gave me his business. Had the first rep not had such a negative impact, he would have been able to contact this gentleman again and gotten the sale. But because he had created such a bad impression, he lost that chance.
Oct 12th 2007 08:19   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
That is what l am talking you present yourslef and how you dress and how you look and how you do things.................Your word is your bound a lost feat these's day's..............Congratulation on your accomplishment..............l am proud of you great work keep it up..............
Oct 16th 2007 22:15   
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