Helping One Another Become The Best They Can Be

Looking for good solid information

by Joseph Botelho Investing One Gram at a Time
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time

Anyone have any good information that they can share with this group, anything that will make us become better, tips, what works for you, how do you start your day anything that is very positive would help.

So looking for good material that we can all benefit from, look forward to your comments. Thanks for taking the time to read and adding your comment..

Have a great day..........Starting a "NEW JOB" today not really looking forward to getting back into the Corp. world not at all...But one has to do what one has to do...................there goes all my free time..and have to look over my back everyday.

Couldn't believe the paper work l had to fill up yesterday everything signing a waiver saying l would not go on the internet for personal reason. When l turned it on it was block already why did l have to sign that sheet....

Welcome to the corp. world......hardly wait....maybe l will be late today if l keep writing..

I tell you how it all went...
Oct 2nd 2007 06:54

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
So yes l was late today for the first day on the job, had a feeling l would be, not sure if it was the tie thing, one forgets how to do that when he hasn't had to wear one for a very long time.........

Got into my office and did what we all do on our first day on the job and that was smile and said hello to a lot of people and tried to remember there names. It worked out well had some fun, a few minor meetings and all the B/S one can swallow in a day.

The funny thing people look at you like different like you never worked in your life. The dumbest question they ask you so l took it all one person, one question at a time and was very polite to all. How did you learn all of this you only started today, l know l would say l read all the information l could on what l was working on, not that difficult is it now.

Then you hear all the gossip going on, no wonder l left that worl a longtime ago why l am back not sure......."as of yet"........perhaps money, bored, need a new fix in my life hard to say..............As for the gossip l just listen and really paid no attention to it all.................last thing l need to get involved with.............why they have TV's, soap operas and all of them realitiy shows they have now...........never could understand them, what is wrong with living your own realitiy, why watch it..............oh well how it is...can hardly wait for tomorrow............will fill you in............not always about the money on it..........sometimes we forget that and we all want to make it without having to work at it...............No such can look at all the programs and the end it will cost you one way or another..........Have fun keep smiling and most of all never give up on your dream or goals they will happen.......
Oct 2nd 2007 21:32   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Wow, now I remember why I left the job. Anyway I always have a nice hot cup of coffee and a conversation with the you know who every morning. Granted it sometimes feels a little one-sided, but that's because he doesn't necessarily give me what I want, but he does give me what I need.
Oct 2nd 2007 23:18   
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