
Migrate short story

by Toma
Toma Innovator
share your migrate to linux,experince
Sep 27th 2007 03:59

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Toma Innovator  
I'm graphic designer; so, befor I migrate to Linux I used extensively adobe, macromedia, corel software, about in 2005 I decide to migrate to linux/bsd or any unix or unix like OS. Short time I try BeOS, it was a very fast OS but no longer live. Now I use Debian based linuxes, Ubuntu and Dreamlinux. So I was forced to use opensoftware for my graphic works, but I never regret this, I find excelent graphic softs on opensource comunity, like Inkscape, Scribus, XaraLX, Gimp.
How hard was a migrate? Very easy to me, I start with using Ubuntu, very fast I learn to use specific graphic software, accumulate experince, find other excellent freeOS what I try at LiveCD-mod. Now I stabilisse, how I say, on Debian based OS, Ubuntu have a geath suport by comunity, Dreamlinux uses last Etch Debian package.(very big repository).
Sep 27th 2007 04:00   
Toma Innovator  
Other things, after I undertand enogh linux/unix OS 'es, I discover one very interesting usability :
some Live CD can be install to flash (stick)drive memory and run on it, so whith one 256Mg (biger is better ofcourse) flash drive I have a half laptop. Just a half, the half with the OS and the soft what I need to do my job, I can transform any PC to my PC for some time, and after done return the PC to the owner whitout any modifications.
Oct 4th 2007 15:28   
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