Business Round Table

Why do small businesses fail?

by Cheryl Baumgartner Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical...
I'm sure we've all driven or walked by a business with an "Out of Business" sign on the window or door. Normally it is a small business. Small business close up shop permanently on a regular basis. So the question is why.

So to try to brainstorm some ideas about that let's share why we think small businesses fail and solutions to the problem. I can tell you that the number one reason is that the fail to ask for help. As business owners we know our products, often we don't know the day to day ordinary issues of running a business.

For instance, someone has a great product but does not know how to market the product. They don't understand how to take advantage of tax breaks etc.

So let me start off. I think all small business owners need to check with the SBA in their local market to find out about available certifications they qualify for. Many companies and government agencies look for certain types of businesses to support and you need those certifications to do business with them. A short list of the people who may qualify for cerifications:

Check with your local Small Business Adaministration for a complete list and to find out how to qualify.
Sep 20th 2007 09:55

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