LCW Business Group - APSense help and tutorials

Making the most of your APSense Business Center. 3. Products and Services.

by Bj aka Bill Brown Hosting and Backup Service provider
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service...
Making the most of your APSense Business Center. 3. Products and Services.

The next item at the top of our "Setting Up My Business Center" page is "Products and Services"

This is the section where you can promote individual "Products and Services" that you have to offer.
It allows you to upload images of all your "Products and Services". along with a description and the option to display it on your home page as a feature item.

Images must be in JPG or JPEG format, and the ideal size is 250 by 200 pixels, although I did use some 125 by 125 images and they show ok. I think it will be down to the quality of your images.
For image help refer to Part 2 of this series Making the most of your APSense Business Center. 2. Slideshow.

Ok so the first thing is to ensure you have any images you need on your PC and prepared if you need to make changes to them such as changing from GIF to JPG or size changes.

Next Click on the "Add Product or Service" link.

On the "Add Product or Service" Page we see the following.

"Product Title".
This is the descriptive text you will see above the image of your product when it is displayed.
Use a description that is relevant to the product or service and tells you what it is.

"Product Link"
This already has the http:// filled in so make sure that if you copy and paste the URL (which I always recommend to avoid typing errors) that you do not end up with two lots of http://. Personally I remove what is there and then paste my URL in to avoid making this error.

"Select Photo"
To the right of this box you see a button marked "Browse".
When you click on the "Browse" button it will open up a window on your PC so that you can find and select the image you want to upload. when you have selected it click on open and the window will close and the location will appear in the "Select Photo" box.
Note the maximum size of the photo is 100kb.

"Select Audio".
To the right of this box you see a button marked "Browse".
When you click on the "Browse" button it will open up a window on your PC so that you can find and select the audio file you want to upload. when you have selected it click on open and the window will close and the location will appear in the "Select Audio" box.
1. The format of the file must be MP3 and the maximum size has to be less than 1 Mb.
2. Audio is a personal choice and should not have any influence on you when rating sites. Also remember some members have speech impediments and if you rate a site low because it has no Audio you might just be committing discrimination against someone that you have no right to discriminate against. This is in fact a chargeable offence in many countries.

With this check box you can either check it to have the product listed on your Home page of your "APSense Business Center" or unchecked it will not be displayed there.
The products WILL be displayed on your "Products and Services" Page no matter if it is checked or not.

"Short Description of Product or Service"
This is the most important part of the product presentation that people will see when they click on a product on your "Product and Service" Page. and are taken to the individual product for details.

Use this to your full advantage Write a description in your own words about the product or service. Give the reader reasons why you like it, why you use it, Why the visitor should go take a closer look.
Don't use a copy and paste ad, or, as some have done, copy and paste the whole content from the website.

Be "ORIGINAL". Make the visitor curious to want to know more, and want to go look at the website to find out more. Telling the visitor everything about the product or service is just as bad as telling them nothing about it. You want them to go to your site. You want that sale and to get it they have to go to your site. Make them want to go.

Repeating myself? Your dead right I am. That is how important the description of your product or service is.

When you have everything filled in as you want it recheck everything once more then don't forget to click the "SUBMIT" Button.
Aug 4th 2007 14:06

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Maria Fiore Pilon Senior   Water The Source Of Life
I have made some errors and want to delete article or product and services. It makes it sometimes confusing for me from the Biz Center(products or services) or Articles on the Home page. I can't view the data to edit only on the business center main page. I also know it makes it confusing to know where is the best place to plug in the ad or promotion you share with others. I really could use your help to do it the right way. I thank you for your kind helpful support. Maria
Jan 2nd 2011 19:20   
Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Thanks Bill, This is a good and helpful tutorial. Will ad it to resources on newbies group
Jan 2nd 2011 19:23   
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