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The way to financial freedom

by Joy Chatterjee
Joy Chatterjee Advanced  
hi friends,

One of the very first to learn all about a unique new
home-based business prior to launch.That is uVme

The uVme takes advantage of three combined, global
”Mega trends”:


Our income is generated from the Internet and as we all know,
the Internet never sleeps. While you're in bed, there is always
somebody somewhere spending money. Remember USD$164
per second, of every minute of every day.

The uVme business gives you the potential to unlock this market
and earn money, even while you sleep. It is a truly unlimited
opportunity; it doesn’t get any better than that. It has been perfectly
balanced throughout, to give everybody the maximum potential for rewards.

So you can, from day one, earn a full-time income and realise that money instantly.

pre -register now
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First of all, you can add people to your uVme team
either just as "Personally Sponsored Players" (PSPs),
or as personally sponsored business Associates. Business
Associates are people who, like you, join uVme to develop
their own uVme business. But because you have introduced them,
and they join as part of your team, they become part of YOUR team
in what is called your "downline".
How do I sponsor someone to become an Associate?

Easy - you just get them to "Join VWD" from YOUR
free copy of this web site!

As a first incentive, each business Associate gets £10 credited
]to their games account as soon as they join. This allows them
to try out various games and get the hang of them with no financial
outlay (the games will usually cost a nominal amount of £1 or less to play).
Then, once their confidence and familiarity are built up, they can challenge
others to a game.

Each time a paid game is played, uVme take a percentage of the entry fee;
this is known as the "rake" in business terms. Depending on the type of
tournament, the rake can be from 12.5% to 49.99% of the entry fee.
Depending on your total game volume
(i.e., how much money your Personally Sponsored Players have spent on games)
, you can receive a larger share of the rake, as below:

Your Percentage of the "Rake"
£0-100 25%
£100-250 30%
£250-500 35%
£500+ 41%
*This is calculated each four-week pay cycle.
Let’s say an Associate you have sponsored earns 41% of the rake;
what happens to the other 59%?It is distributed to you and your sponsor
and to the rest of the business Associates in your "upline", as the
"Generation Bonus" payment. This means that for the players of
Associates in your team, you get additional commissions on the
total game volume! This is done in "generations", where a generation
is everybody under you, up to and including the next "active" Associate.

To qualify as "active", you need to sponsor a minimum of two players
who turn over a combined £/$/€20. The £/$/€20 turnover can come from
any number of players, but no more than £/$/€10 from one player can
count toward the qualification. To make this even simpler, one of the players
can be you.
Generation Bonus

So, if three people join under you, and only the third has
"active" status, then you have one generation under you (Generation 1).

You earn:

3% on your Generations 1 & 2
4% on your Generations 3, 4 & 5
5% on your Generations 6 & 7
Fast Start Bonus
For each ASSOCIATE you personally sponsor who becomes
"active " within their first 28 days of joining, YOU EARN £100.
Instantly. And for each active ASSOCIATE you sponsor who
sponsors another ASSOCIATE who qualifies within their first 28 days
you get £20 ("Fast Start Bonus 2"). You can earn a full-time income
just from the Fast Start Bonuses.
100% Matching Bonus
The uVme Matching Bonus gives you the power to earn 100%
of the Generation Bonus which is paid to your personally
sponsored Associates. It is a very powerful bonus indeed.
For example, let’s say you sponsor John, and help him develop
his group of players and Associates.

In the example to the left, Sally is earning a Generation Bonus of £500,
and Bill £400; so added to your Matching Bonus from John's Generation
Bonus, that would mean you would earn an additional £1,250 on top of
your own commissions and bonuses.

Can you imagine how this will impact your Associates?
They would also want to benefit from the Matching Bonus
and assist their Associates; and it will duplicate throughout your business.
The Matching Bonus is unlimited; you can sponsor as many Associates
as you want.
Can you see how much money there is in this business?!?!
Well so far we've only covered FOUR of the "Ways to Fortune".
There are even MORE bonuses and income streams in this
marketing plan. To read about all 9 in more detail, watch the
pay plan animation and download the full plan PDF.

In short, the Ways to Fortune are:
Fast Start Instant Pay Bonus
Instant Pay
Game Fee Revenue
Power Pool Revenue Share
100% Matching Bonus
Promotion Bonus
Generation Bonus
Infinity Bonus
Dynamic Roll-Up Bonus

To read about these in more detail, please download the pay plan PDF here.
Well so far we've only covered FOUR of the "Ways to Fortune".
There are even MORE bonuses and income streams in this marketing plan
To read about all 9 in more detail, watch the pay plan animation and
download the full plan PDF.

You can even pre-register for FREE, with no obligation, for this limited
pre-launch period.
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Jul 26th 2007 17:53

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