i enjoy my life

how does one stay positive and optimistic even in bad times? is it learned behaviors, part of a persons personality, character and nature?

by Valerie Hammer human rights activist, volunteer
Valerie Hammer Freshman human rights activist,...
I realize that im throwing out a lot of questions on this subject. At what seems to be end of discussion, ill tell you about being positive. Whether its a learned behavior taking practice or part of a person's nature. Remaining positive on a day to day basis, even while dealing with negative people. Being positive vs their negativity which has most weight?
Is it harder to remain negative than being positive?
And what about personal problems and pain which is the best way to manage and cope.
Nov 11th 2013 22:04

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Sanket Jaiswal Innovator  Quality Analyst
Character and nature are part of personality, you cannot change your personality wholely but to some extent. The main thing is to engage yourself in some positive work when bad time comes, relax and give some time to yourself to get stable.
Mar 31st 2015 07:38   
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