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I need tips and advice

by Ariela Gonzalez
Ariela Gonzalez Advanced  
Hi, I'm joining your group because I figure you can help me wih this difficult goal of making a few dollars on internet business. Until now, I haven't made a penny, although I' m trying hard. I think I don't understand how this works and I have to read a little more. Thank you
First question: Can I post a link here?
Jul 13th 2007 21:49

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Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Hello Ariela. Yes you can post a link in a new subject if it is in your own created group.

If it is in some else's group and you create a new subject, then be mindful of online etiquette. Put yourself in the shoes of the group administrator and consider if you would not mind a particular posting being placed. If unsure, ask the administrator.

In the replies section of group subjects, UBBCODE is NOT allowed in comments to avoid ads. There are plenty of places to put ads on Apsense.

In any Apsense administered group, you may not include links to groups or sites.

I've only given a basic response here, others may be able to add more to this information, or refute what I have written! :)

Namaste, Thea
Jul 13th 2007 23:23   
Thea Westra Professional   Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
Oh yes, nearly forgot...

Here is a free e-book with terrific internet marketing information that may help give you lots of new ideas:

~ ~

Cheers, Thea
Jul 13th 2007 23:25   
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