SEO tips & tricks

The best kind of links and other myths

by Mark Preston Internet marketing manager
Mark Preston Junior Internet marketing manager
If anyone tells you they know the best kind of links they're wrong.

Google is looking for a natural link pattern that has grown organically over time in diverse locations of the Internet.
They are looking for the internets version of "Word of mouth" Something that naturally spreads.
If you have 5 links back from 5 high ranking sites but no links from any smaller sites why would google look upon this as a natural link pattern? Everybody concentrates on high ranking sites alone but how would this ever happen without concentrated artificial link building?
It wouldn't and google are getting better and better at detecting the unnatural.

Another question that cant be answered and is one of the most common is "what is the quickest way up the serps?" Reminds me of the parachutest trying to find the quickest way to hit the ground.

You can get almost any site to page one of google within weeks. But it wont be around for long. (A bit like the parachutest in a hurry)
If you need instant front page position I would recommend you invest in adsense for the first month or so.

Some SEO's hate this kind of information as they sell the promise of almost instant Front page prominence. They may be right for now but google is putting far more resources into delivering natural results than we mere mortals ever can.
A front page presence on google takes time. Its a bit like earning respect, its not going to happen over night.
Jun 18th 2013 10:46

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SER Group Senior  SEO, Internet Marketing
You should never purchase a service from a company promising you the 1st page of Google overnight. Google manually (use humans) to analyze every site's marketing practices. This can take anywhere from 3 months to a year for your page rank to improve. And that's only if you're consistently providing valuable content for your product, service or industry.
Jun 22nd 2013 16:35   
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