We Accept friendships, Connections and Followings very loosely, Which is Good. 

However too many of us are just walking through the "Shopping centers" Of our contacts and Never make a purchase.

We are connecting only to build our own sites and or offers.

Mom and Pop opens a store selling stylish tooth brushes, we have tooth brushes already, however the tooth brushes Mom and Pop sells are stylish... So to support them we simply each purchase a stylish tooth brush that meets our fancy. 

By doing this we are spreading the wealth and supporting a fellow small business owner(s).

So folks I am like Mom and Pop. I am offering a Unique down line builder that you ALL can use. 

Come on inside and take a listen...don't be shy...make a small purchase. Spread the wealth and build the site of a fellow network marketer.

Together we will reach our goals.

Thank you.

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