If you want to keep your skin soft and subtle, yet healthy, then you probably have a bunch of beauty and cosmetic products you use constantly. If so, then you should consider replacing these artificial care products with natural ones. Even if most people think that these are too expensive, handcrafted soap, body butter and organic lip balm can actually be all found in dedicated stores at affordable prices. All you have to do is make a change and indulge their benefits. You may be happy with the products that you are currently using, but you should know that on a long term, they are likely to damage the skin, accelerating the aging process. This is due to the fact that artificial soaps available in stores are some mere chemical cocktails whose beneficial agents have been replaced during the processing. The main element soap should contain in order to hydrate the body, glycerine, is generally removed and replaced with artificial agents, in order to be used for other moisturizing lotions. This is why the bars you see on the shelves of supermarkets will only dry the skin, obliging you to use other hydrating creams. If you buy the bars from a handmade soap shop, you will never experience this, because the soaps already consist in e high concentration of glycerine.

The most important step towards a healthy care routine is represented by acknowledging how dangerous artificial solutions actually are. If you look closely, you will notice that most of the items you find in stores are labelled as “beauty bars” or “cleaning bars”, and this is clearly a sign that they are not soaps, which should normally consist in glycerine and beneficial ingredients. Do not let yourself fooled by the logos of famous brands or the list of agents you do not understand, because the products are not organic. In order to avoid the nasty chemicals that cause only harm to your skin, you should start looking for a handmade soap shop and purchase organic products. While traditional bars are made of questionable ingredients, these are generally obtained through natural methods only from natural ingredients, such as essential oils and natural herbs, which is why you will no longer have to worry about allergies or irritations. They are perfectly ecological and beneficial for you, not to mention that they can be found in dedicated shops at the most convenient prices. While you were spending a lot of money paying for lotions and beauty products belonging to famous brands, you can now find a local boutique selling handcrafted soap and reduce your expenses.

If you know how to maintain your natural soap, you will be able to use it much longer than a traditional bar. Avoid letting it stay in water after you bath, because it will end up melting due to its high concentration of glycerine. Fortunately, handcrafters have started to commercialise their products and you are likely to find a dedicated store where you can choose exactly what you need, depending on your skin type. There are plenty of fragrances and assortments available, and you will simply fall in love with these small appetizing bars that will make your skin glow.

If you want to read more about handcrafted soap or handmade soap shop, please click on these links!

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