Aggressive sensual activity can be fun, but it also brings with it the fairly common risk of male organ pain as well as the fortunately not-so-common risk of manhood fracture. This is a situation that any man wants to avoid. Taking appropriate precautions is a part of basic male organ care, and well worth it when one considers the agony involved in fracturing the member.

Does the member break?

Men often speak about the fear of "breaking" their member, but a fractured member is different than a broken arm or leg. In the latter cases, the fracture occurs in the bone of the limb. The male organ doesn't actually have a bone (despite a popular bone-based nickname for tumescence), but that doesn't mean it can't be fractured.

When one speaks of a male organ fracture, one is referring to a tear in the tunica albuginea, a tough fibrous layer of tissue surrounding the spongy tissue in the member.  The tunica albuginea plays a role in the tumescence of the manhood, so it's something a guy wants to keep in good shape.

When the male organ fractures, there is usually a cracking sound and a lot of pain. This is quickly followed by hemorrhaging and a fairly immediate loss of tumescence. (Fracturing only occurs when the manhood is in a firm state.)

How does it happen?

Male organ fractures generally occur during rough, aggressive or acrobatic sensual encounters; they occur most often during partner-based sensual activity, but it is definitely possible to fracture the manhood during solo sensual activity.

The fracturing happens when the firm member is slammed against an object that is harder than the member and lacks flexibility. During partner-based sensual activity, this is most likely to occur when a man is vigorously thrusting his male organ into the female organ and approaches from an angle such that his manhood thrusts into the woman's pelvic bone.

Male organ fractures incurred while self-pleasuring typically happen when a man is simulating coupling. For example, many men self-pleasure by thrusting their manhood between a pillow and another object, such as a mattress. Doing so at an inappropriate angle can cause a fracture.

Interestingly, a small study in 2001 indicated that male organ fractures are more likely to occur during occasions when a man engages in extramarital sensual activity and/or when coupling in unusual places or positions.

In the event of a fracture, a man should see a doctor immediately to determine the proper course of action.


There are several things men can do to help prevent male organ fractures.

- Take it a little slower. In the heat of the moment, this may be easier said than done. But men need to make sure that they are thrusting at an appropriate angle when they get into power-drive mode.

- Choose positions with care. Exploring a new sensual position can be a wonderful experience; however, the unfamiliarity of the position means a man may need to take things a little more cautiously until he is comfortable enough to go full throttle. This may be especially true of the reverse cowgirl position (in which a man lies down and the woman sits upon his organ, facing away from the man), which a recent study indicated may be more likely to be involved in male organ fracture situations.

- Self-pleasure with care. Especially when simulating coupling, be sure that the objects used are not too hard and inflexible.

Male organ pain can occur not only from a fracture but from many other instances of rough, aggressive or over-frequent sensual activity. An excellent method for treating common male organ pain is the application of a first-class male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). The soothing effects of natural moisturizers such as Shea butter and vitamin E, found in the best crèmes, helps to alleviate that pain while restoring vitality to the skin. Pain due to fractures may also benefit from a crème with vitamin C. Much of the tunica albuginea consists of collagen, and vitamin C aids in collagen production. Recovery from a male organ fracture can take time, so taking steps to reduce the manhood pain during recovery is essential.

Visit for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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