Travelling is something that almost everyone in the world enjoys. While some travel to visit the lovely places around the world, for some travelling is a means to relax and rejuvenate. However, travelling is not always about visiting the major attractions of the city. On the other hand, if you want an exciting vacation that you would remember for years to come, travel to a holiday destination where you can indulge in some adventure. Here we have presented 10 best adventure travel destinations that you should go to before you take your last breath. 
Scuba Diving Maldives

1. Maldives (Scuba Diving): If you want to experience a world that is totally different from your own, you must try scuba diving. Diving into the realms of the deep ocean, where you can explore the marine life as well as the flora and fauna, is an experience like no other. If you are interested in scuba diving or are a pro at it, one of the best places where you can try this recreational sport is Maldives. Being in Maldives gives you the opportunity to some of the prettiest beaches in the world and also glimpse into a part of the Indian Ocean. Maldives enjoys an exotic marine life with manta rays, tuna jacks, Napoleon Wrasse, whale sharks, wahoo, butterfly fish, turtles, etc. Maaya Thila in Maldives is the best place to go scuba diving. You can also get training for scuba diving here. 

Hiking in Nepal

 2. Nepal (Hiking): If you love hiking in the mountains and terrains, it is probably time to hike on the highest mountain on earth, Mount Everest. Although the Himalayas hold risky and rough landscapes, the view it provides is absolutely breathtaking. However, this would not be your typical holiday where you can just pack your bags and leave. Even if you have been trekking for a long time, it is important that you be prepared for this adventurous and risky climb. Nevertheless, even if you are a novice and want to get the Mount Everest experience, the Mount Everest Base Camp tour is something you should try. Located in Khumbu, Nepal, this is a feat which is much easier to achieve. 

costa rica white river rafting

3. Costa Rica (White-water River Rafting): River rafting is an adventure sport that is really thrilling and at the same time does not require you to have any kind of training. If you are really interested in trying out this awesome water sport, head to Costa Rica's Pacuare River. As it is situated alongside the Cabecar Indian Reservation, you get to see beautiful sceneries as well as a dense wildlife too which would include animals like jaguars, slot, monkeys, reptiles, etc. The river contains three levels where rafting is usually done and each varies in the level of difficulty. White water river rafting would definitely offer you 3-4 hours of pure fun, thrill and enjoyment. 

bungee Jumping colorado

4. Colorado (Bungee Jumping): When your entire life is suspended on one long cord, literally, you are probably somewhere bungee jumping. Bungee jumping can be defined as an act where you jump from a high altitude with the help of a rope tied to your body. While there are several places where you can try this daredevilry act, the best place amongst them would be the Royal Gorge Bridge at Colorado in the United States of America. One of the highest bridges in the world, this bridge is a suspension bridge which is 321 meters above sea level. Apart from regular bungee jumping, several adventurous activities are held here that would get your adrenaline pumping. So do make this trip soon! 

Desert safari in dubai

5. Dubai (Desert Safari): When we spend so much time living in the cities, spending even a few hours in the desert can help you enjoy some peace and calm. Moreover, the deserts also provide you with an opportunity to indulge in some interesting recreational adventure activities. If you are interested in going on a desert safari, there is nothing better than one in Dubai. The desert safari tour in Dubai involves a thrilling dune bashing ride where you get to enjoy the exciting feeling when your SUV hits the high sand dunes, making the sand blow all around you. Other than this, camel riding, sandboarding, quad biking, etc. are some of the thrilling activities that you would be able to enjoy during the desert safari tour in Dubai. 

Sky Diving Swizerland

6. Switzerland (Sky Diving): Although a form of bungee jumping, sky diving is when you literally fall from the sky. Yes, here instead of a fixed spot, you jump from a moving plane, around 4000 feet above the ground. Exciting and terrifying at the same time, isn't it? The best part about sky diving is that you can enjoy the aerial view of the place you choose to go. So, while watching the Swiss Alps from the ground is breathtaking, watching if from far above the earth is equally bewitching. Head to Interlaken, which is also known as an adventure city by many, for your sky diving adventure. Snowy mountains, fountains, lakes, waterfalls, glaciers and deep valleys are what greet you when you plunge towards earth. Although both summer and winters are great months to go sky diving in Switzerland, winter would be more ideal. 

caving in budapest

7. Budapest (Caving): Caving is a thrilling sport which gives you a chance to explore the insides of a complex cave structure. Usually done in groups, this is an activity that would require you to walk, climb and crawl. If you are interested in caving, plan a trip to Budapest in Hungary for the ultimate caving experience. The Pal-volgyi cave system is a multi-level labyrinth system, with majority of the chambers lying under the residential areas of the city. This group activity continues for 2-3 hours and is headed by an experienced guide. Although you do not need to have any prior experience in caving, you have to pass through narrow passages inside the cave, so be prepared for these. The caving equipment is given by the tour operators. Also, be sure that you are not claustrophobic if you really want to enjoy this adventurous activity to the fullest. 

Diving with Sharks in Cape town

8. Cape Town (Diving with the Sharks): Swimming, snorkelling or scuba diving under the ocean waters is definitely an exciting and thrilling experience. However, would you like to meet the sharks up, close and personal? Scary, wouldn't that be? You can have this experience at Cape Town's Gansbaai. Here a group of people are put into a huge cage and lowered into the deep ocean for a tête-à-tête with the sharks. Even if you do not want to get into the cage, you can still see some sharks from your boat. Other than sharks, you will also be able to see whales, dolphins, penguins, seals, etc. 

paragliding in new zealand

9. New Zealand (Paragliding): Just like bungee jumping, paragliding is where you jump from a hill top or some other fixed spot. The difference is that instead of a rope you are tied to a parachute. So, your descent onto earth is relatively slow, giving you the chance to enjoy and appreciate your surroundings. So, choose New Zealand to fly like a bird as this land is gifted with some of the most marvellous and beautiful landscapes in the world. Queenstown in Otago is a great place for paragliding as you can enjoy the view of the Southern Alps as well as Lake Wakatipu. 

surfing in australia

10. Australia (Surfing): If you love water and the beaches, surfing is something that you would enjoy. Surfing is a sport where you ride on the waves standing on a surfboard. Although you would find this sport in almost all beaches, Gold Coast in Australia is considered to be a paradise for surfing. The quality of the waves, the huge area (70 km) and the beautiful blue waters, everything makes surfing here heavenly. However, surfing cannot be done without any training. You would find surfing training centres here. 

Combining adventure with your vacation would give you a trip that you would remember forever. So, choose the adventure that interests you the most and get ready to head to the destination soon.

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