The benefits of mobile payment

Posted by Groshan Fabiola
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The evolution of technology has facilitated all the aspects of our lives, and the field of banking transactions is no exception. As mobile devices have become very popular and they are more and more performing, supporting all sorts of day to day activities, it has never been easier to convert these devices into tools for your company. A recent study has shown that by 2017, about 1.5 billion smartphones will be used around the planet and it seems that mobile payment will become the main method of transaction. Your tablet or mobile phone can easily be transformed into a reliable point of sales, which will benefit both you and your clients. There are many service suppliers willing to offer you simple and affordable solutions, so that you can start using a mobile chip and PIN reader, extremely useful nowadays. Of course, this solution ensures safe wireless transactions, so nobody will have to worry about frauds or data breaching, and due to the innovative credit card payment machines you will be able to pay and receive money anywhere in the UK, through mobile phone coverage.

This technology has been used for some time now, but it gained a lot of popularity in the past years, as mobile devices become accessible to everyone. In addition to this, experts have created new pieces of software, which enable users to have access to seamless payment possibilities. If you are starting a business and you still have doubts related to this matter, you should know that not only your clients, but also your business, will benefit from this. Using these mobile credit card payment machines, business owners will be able to facilitate the checkout process and catch the attention of more clients, who may not be able to buy something through a traditional transactional process. Due to the lack of time, some people find it difficult to physically move to an ATM or a bank and queue for hours, and mobile payment allows them to purchase whatever they want easier. On the one hand, using this wireless system means a proof of customer centricity: you care about your clients’ security, because they will no longer have to run the risk of carrying money with them or worrying whether they have enough cash in their wallets. On the other hand, your business is also a bit safer: since you are not keeping a lot of money in the cash desk, it will not be a target for thieves and thus you will avoid potential attacks.

Furthermore, some phone applications also come with integrated loyalty programs. Clients can create an account and subscribe for the business’ loyalty program and each time they use the app they gain points or discounts for the following purchases. Customers can also have access to their data history, because the application saves all their transactions, and they will not have to keep track of their expenses, because the job will be done automatically. They will have easy access to all the pieces of information and the will find everything they need stored in the app.

If you want to read more about chip and pin reader and credit card payment machines, please click on these links!