IN Pre-Launch

IF u want to 5$ daily NO investment....
just complete ur daily task....
its not a ptc site or NO spam.....
just create ur account....

Launch on 1 of April
A Free Member Can Earn Upto 5$ daily
High security site
free to join, you don't need to make an investment in order to earn money.
For free member
Refer 100 people to become a ruby member.
Refer 250 people to become a sapphire member.
up to 500$ monthly from doing task
Commission rate for upgraded member
• 10% ref commission for free
• Ruby Membership:
o Level 1: 12%, Level 2: 6%
• Sappihre Membership:
o Level 1: 15%, Level 2: 7.5%, Level 3: 3.75%
• Emerald Membership:
o Level 1: 20%, Level 2: 10%, Level 3: 5%, Level 4: 2.5%
Accept PayPal Payza Neteller Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard Bank Transfer
Join here and start building your team                                                                                   

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2. अपनी ईमेल 
3. अपना पासवर्ड 
डालकर रजिस्टर करें , mainston में लॉगिन होते ही MARKETING CENTER के DASHBOARD के ऑप्शन में जाकर फॉर्म भरें। नहीं तो आपका अकाउंट ब्लॉक हो जायेगा।

4 Steps That Will Help You Succeed

4 Steps That Will Help You Succeed

1) Maximize your Morning
Waking up early gives you a quiet time to focus, to start with a fresh organized slate and also forces you to start the day with a disciplined action; getting out of bed before you want to.

Being an early riser isn't about trumpeting how hard you work. It's about doing everything within your power to help your business achieve success; and if that means you have to get up at an hour not known to most, then you might as well enjoy the sunrise.

Richard Branson

The combination of discipline, focus and more hours in the morning is enough to boost your productivity and make it worth setting that early alarm.

2) Stay Positive

As an entrepreneur, one of the most important and sometimes, one of the toughest lesson to learn is to never let others pull you down

3) Be Passionate

Be passionate about what you are doing and believe in it, no matter what. If you don't believe in it, it will be difficult convincing others to. And very important believe in your self!

If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.

Paul Bryant
4) Stay Committed
Hand in hand with passion comes commitment. You really want to reach your goals? Then fully dedicate yourself to reaching it and also commit your heart and mind to it. It can't be a hobby and you can't be just a little committed. It is all about your attitude and how strong your "I Want This" factor is.

Desire is the key to motivation, but it's the determination and commitment to unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.

Mario Andretti
Mar 20, 2015 15:48
Free Upgrades for Active Members!

Free Upgrades for Active Members!

This offer has ended

  • Refer 100 people to become a ruby member.
  • Refer 250 people to become a sapphire member.

If have any question regarding this offer feel free to contact us.
This offer is valid from 20th February to 15th March 2015.

Feb 20, 2015 20:26
Welcome to Mainston

Welcome to Mainston

We look forward to provide you with many valuable services to increase your profits by way of simplicity and to receive your feedback throughout our pre-launch phase.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I register after pre-launch?
After pre-launch registration will be possible only through other members via referral link.

How can I earn money?
You can earn money by becoming our marketing partner, it's quick, easy and free. Just sign up and activate your marketing center, once activated you will receive your referral link. As our marketing partner you will earn 10% commission of all earnings and purchases made by your referral's from income-level 1.

Can I increase my commission rate and earning potential?
Yes. Your commission rate, active and passive earnings can be increased and extended to income-level 2, 3 or 4 by upgrading your membership.

Pre-launch Exclusive Memberships

  • Ruby Membership:
    • Income-level 1: 12%, Level 2: 6%
  • Sappihre Membership:
    • Income-level 1: 15%, Level 2: 7.5%, Level 3: 3.75%
  • Emerald Membership:
    • Income-level 1: 20%, Level 2: 10%, Level 3: 5%, Level 4: 2.5%

What is active earning and what is passive earning?
Active Earning: What you earn from your work on Mainston.
Passive Earning: Income from your downline on an ongoing basis created with no or very little work or active participation.

Can I upgrade my membership after pre-launch?
Yes, but the memberships we offer now in this combination and commission rate are only offered during pre-launch. There will be other memberships available after our pre-launch but not with the same stunning benefits.

What payout options do you offer?
You will have a wide variety of choices in how your payments should be released.
  • PayPal
  • Payza
  • Neteller
  • Payoneer Prepaid MasterCard
  • Bank Transfer

How long is the pre-launch phase?
Pre-launch phase ends on the 1st of April.

Have not received any email from Mainston?
If you have not received any e-mail from Mainston so far, please check and make sure it is not being filtered as spam.

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