New SEO software tool

SEOprofiler Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions:

All affiliate membership is subject to prior approval. SEOprofiler/Axandra GmbH reserves the right to refuse service to any new or existing affiliate, in its sole discretion, with our without cause. SEOprofiler/Axandra GmbH reserves the right to refuse to do business with anyone, at any time, for any reason.

SEOprofiler/Axandra GmbH reserves the right, without liability, to reject, omit or exclude any affiliate, webmaster or website for any reason at any time, with or without notice and regardless of any previous conditions.

Each affiliate entity is only permitted 1 affiliate account. If you need to track different promotions then use subids in your tracking links. These are explained in your affiliate account. Multiple commissions earned from the same promotion are tracked and easily found using timestamps and will be canceled.

SEO software
SEOprofiler is a new new online SEO software tool.

By using our Affiliate Program, You warrant that:

* You are 18 years of age and that there is no legal reason that you cannot enter into a binding agreement.
* You are the owner or are licensed to use the entire contents contained on your website.
* Your website and/or newsletter does not violate any law or regulation.
* Your website and/or newsletter does not contain misrepresentation or content that is defamatory or violates any rights of privacy or publicity.
* Your website and or/newsletter does not and will not infringe any copyright, trademark, patent or other proprietary right.
* You place our banners anywhere on your site as you see fit, or within non-spam emails.
* NOT ALLOWED: All other uses of banners or links, such as newsgroups, chat rooms, message boards, banner networks, counters, or guestbooks etc. are NOT allowed. You are not allowed to copy the design of our website or to use a very similar website design that creates the impression that your affiliate site is an official SEOprofiler/Axandra site. You may not bid on keywords that contain "seoprofiler", "seo" and "profiler" on Google AdWords or other PPC search engines. You are not allowed to refer yourself with your affiliate link.
* Failure to abide by these rules could mean termination from the affiliate program. Outstanding commissions won't be paid then.
* Fraud is a serious offense, and will be treated as such. Fraud is defined as any action that intentionally attempts to create sales or click-throughs using robots, scripts, or manually "refreshing" of pages, for the sole purpose of creating commissions.

Privacy policy:
SEOprofiler/Axandra GmbH respects the privacy of its users and promises not to disclose personal or business information to third parties without the express permission of you and your company.

We will not sell your name, e-mail address, phone number, or any other personal information to anyone else. We consider this information to be private, and it will remain as such. If you have any questions about your privacy rights, contact us at

Affiliate payment:
The SEOprofiler affiliate program is operated by SEOprofiler/Axandra GmbH. SEOprofiler/Axandra GmbH is responsible for payouts of affiliate commissions and all financial transactions related to SEOprofiler affiliate program.

You will receive a commission for sending a authorized sales via your links. In order to place links, You must first be approved by SEOprofiler/Axandra GmbH to become an affiliate of the SEOprofiler affiliate program.

You understand that the payout amount may be changed at any time. You are responsible for checking if the payout for a link you have placed on your site has changed or been discontinued.

You receive the commission from SEOprofiler/Axandra GmbH. Payments are made automatically on the last day of each month when your account balance reaches $100 or more for the previous months' transactions. Money credited to your account does not accrue interest.

We pay our affiliates in US dollars by PayPal. You agree to be paid by PayPal. We do not support other payment methods. We reserve the right to change the payment method in the future. We use an exchange rate of 1:1 for Euro and US dollars. Your continuing participation in the program will constitute your acceptance of any change. Payments are not sent to freemail addresses (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.).

The commission payout includes all taxes that might apply in your country or state. If you have to pay or collect taxes for the payment, you have to deduct the amount for the tax from the payout amount.

Refunds, Chargebacks and Bad Checks:
If an order is later refunded to the customer or charged back by the customer, or if a customer's check does not clear, the referral fee, and any Affiliate charge back fees, will be deducted from the next monthly payment sent to the Affiliate.

We will not be liable for indirect or accidental damages (loss of revenue, commissions) due to affiliate tracking failures, loss of database files, and any results of "intents of harm" to the program or our website. We do not make any expressed or implied warranties with respect to the affiliate program and/or products sold at this site. We make no claim that the operation of the affiliate program and our website will be error-free and we will not be liable for any interruptions or errors.

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Try SEOprofiler now


SEOprofiler is a cool web-based SEO software tool that helps you to get high rankings on Google, Yahoo and Bing. You can also check the backlinks, Google rankings and Google AdWords of any website for free. Just enter a domain name in the following search box:

No commitment. No obligation. Unconditional money back guarantee.


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