You are happy as you have done your bit to nation by voting. But do you know what India truly wants? A healthy disease free nation from killer illness.  How can you do this? Yes you can be a part of awareness campaign of Special immunization week from 24 April to 30 April.

India has always lack basic health requirement for all.For a healthy and prosperous nation we should have a strong base of Immunized children as well as adults. We should fight against illness,disease and uncleanliness together.So today let's take an Oath to spread the importance of vaccines and contribute towards a better Nation.

 This Immunization Week know check and Immunize yourself, your family and society.

Vaccinations has saved over 2million children across the Globe against 2 main killer disease which is Rotavirus diarrhea and Pneumonia.

It was due to Immunization India is proudly declared as Polio free Nation.

Immunization saves a child's life and also prevents spread of disease.

The future of young and child is secure and thus the country's economic will enhance.

Vaccination promotes long life span and reduce mortality rate.

We are unaware of many Immunization available in India .Belowmentioned are few which are widely introduced.

INFLENZA vaccines should be recommended to every individual of 6 months and older, even pregnant woman annually.

Kids can be immunized against Chicken pox and Tyhoid

HPV(human pappilomavirus) vaccination is recommended to both males and females. 3 doses of routine vaccination at age of 11-12 then aged 13 through 26 if not previously vaccinated. It provides Immunization against sexual contact viruses and cervical cancer in females.

Dreadly disease Hepatitis is also upcoming issues for health management. Vaccination are available for Hepatitis A and Hepatits B.

Immunocompromised patients have larger chances of infection, Pneumonical conjugate vaccination(PCV) and Meningococcal vaccination is a great help to them.

Older age people can be vaccinated against Herpes a very painful and life threatening disease.

Haemophilusinfluenzae type b (Hib) vaccination is recommended to patient of spleen dysfunction.

"Prevent Protect & Immunize" for healthier World.Let's create awareness on World Immunization Week.

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