Probably not. But let me ask you a question:
Did you speak 11 languages? Had you been in 193 countries by then? Did hundreds of thousands of people know your name? Well, this is just a silly way for us to tell you a NOT SO silly fact. Here it is:
NEURS is officially ONE MONTH YOUNG today! and this is where we at:
>4 million page views
>1 million invitations sent
>675,000 unique visitors
>Hundreds of thousands have accepted their invitations
>And we now have over 100,000 active users who have checked in at least once in the last 7-10 days!
NEURS really is an amazing platform made up of great people like you who have contributed to its success in so little time.
Now, let's make sure you're positioning yourself to take full advantage of this amazing opportunity.
Every so often an opportunity comes your way that truly has the potential to make a huge difference in your life and in the life of others. Do you understand that we're just at the beginning of this great opportunity? Do you know how fortunate we are to be at the right place at the right time?
A wise man once said that the way to become wealthy is to find a big need and to provide a solution for that need. In other words, if you help enough people get what they want, you'll earn what you want.
And that's what NEURS is all about! We will unite the entrepreneurial world! No one has ever done this. As obvious as that need is, it looks like the world has been waiting for the right group of people to fulfill it. And you're a part of that group!
So what are YOU going to do about it? Well, in case you're not sure, here it is:

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