Barack Obama overestimated the American people and where they were in their consciousness ...
They have not reached that higher place from which he is operating.

He gave them too much moral credit and vision.

They give lip service but are not there yet.

Barack Obama is a moral enigma to the USA.
Firstly, his personal life is beyond reproach ( believe me it is).
If it were not so, that is the first place that his detractors would
seek his destruction.

It has become a cliche that this is the arena in which many
public figures have been attacked and demolished.
But having not provided his fellow countrymen and women with this
tried and true fodder...

His enemies who, sadly, are an the increase each day have made it
their virulent duty to tear down his legacy from every corner.

Having decided that he could not be president, they have decided to
ensure that it becomes a fact.

Listening to some of the pundits, one could mistakeningly believe that
they speak from a place of objective dissension with Barack Obama's vision.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Each time certain Americans awake to the realization that a Black is their
politic leader they can feel the gorge rising in their throats.

If Mr. Obama had come to power and played the game they way it had always
been played, he may have faired a little better ...

Or, maybe if he had focused on one goal to defend, but he made too many demands on a people with short attention spans and too much emotional and historical negative baggage. 

When you read some of the following quotes by Mr. Obama you will quickly
see that Americans are not ready for his brand of leadership.
His vision of the USA as lofty and high minded is not consistently supported and that is what went wrong with President Barack Obama's Vision for America.

Barack Obama Quotes

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