TeQt provide ebook conversion in India, you will get any format i.e., kobo, Kindle and epub2 and 3. We can convert ebook from pdf to kindle, word to ebook, xml to mobi file with 100% quality. We are working with International client before 5 years, more about us please visit http://www.teqts.com. Project managers to oversee entire project from receipt of manuscript through delivery of files to the publisher/printer.
The project manager will act as a liaison between authors, editors and production team to produce a high quality product. Or, if you prefer, select only the services you need. TEQT provides:
Planning and management of all project milestones, status updates to the publisher
Project management and analysis, Quality assurance
Liaison between the author, editor, typesetting team and publisher
Page composition management, tracking of proofs and collation of page corrections on behalf of the publisher
Monitoring the project budget
Monitoring copyright permissions (if required), page length issues, Submission of final deliverables to the printer/publisher

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