SFI is the affiliate program that pays us commission next month when this month we earn min. 1500 VP. It also pays us for recommending it to others (when they register) and to promote it (then we get new affiliates in our team).

SFI provides FREE tools to promote and valuable training. It worth to at least try it.

SFI is the business for the future, the income increases in time, based on how active and big your team is.

YOU will have a great sponsor and upline, also a co-sponsor, ready to help you succeed. THEY have experience and any question you might have, THEY CAN HELP, IF you want to be helped.

- you don't need to purchase anything, ever
- you start to earn income immediatelly
- there is a great compensation plan
- you get paid instantly, in your country's currency via SFI Payoneerâ„¢ MasterCard or PayPalâ„¢
- get shares from Executive Pool
- get profits from all sales from TripleClicks.com every month


SFI IS NOT a quick-rich scheme and it's not a ponzi scheme or a pyramid.