In spite of its name, jock itch – the common term for the tinea cruris infection – does not only affect men who are involved in sports or other athletic activities. While it gets its name because it tends to affect men who sweat a lot (presumably due to some sort of vigorous physical activity), any man can develop symptoms. Tinea cruris is a fungal infection that crops up in warm, moist areas of the skin. It presents as an itchy, scaly, spreading rash in the pelvic region area that can cause severe itching, and it can be notoriously stubborn. In order to clear up a case of jock itch, a man should follow the steps outlined below. While jock itch is much more likely to affect the pelvic region than the male organ itself, the manhood skin may also develop fungal infections, so paying attention male organ health as a general rule is also recommended.

Step 1. Keep it clean. Sweat during exercise is healthy; sweat left to dry on the body afterward is not, and it can attract all sorts of microbes that enjoy snacking on bodily fluids. Dirt and grime can also carry fungal spores, so a daily shower, especially after a trip to the gym, is needed to help prevent infection.

Step 2. Keep it dry. Even freshly-washed skin can be an inviting home for fungal spores if it is left damp; putting on clothing over moist skin can create an ideal environment for jock itch. Because of this, it’s important to pat the skin dry after bathing, as well as to change into dry clothes after a sweaty workout.

Step 3. Medicate. When jock itch does occur, it tends to spread – and spread – and spread. It may eventually work its way out of the system, but no one wants to wait out such an itchy condition. An over-the-counter cream sold specifically for treating tinea cruris should do the trick, but men with a more stubborn rash may need a little extra help in the form of a prescription medication.

Step 4. Moisturize. While it is important not to leave the skin damp, it is also a bad idea to let it get dry; when this occurs, tiny fissures can develop in the skin’s surface, providing an entry point for environmental nasties. Using a quality moisturizer can help to eliminate this problem.

Step 5. Wash before wearing. Damp towels, sweaty shorts and soiled clothing are all potential havens for jock itch spores. Instead of reusing these items, wear clean clothes, and throw soiled items in the washer.

Avoiding future occurrences of tinea cruris infection.

Once a jock itch infection has been cleared up, men are generally eager to prevent it from ever happening again in order to avoid the itchy male organ and pelvic region, discomfort and social embarrassment that comes along with this irritating condition. In order to avoid re-infection, it is first of all critical to complete any recommended treatment, whether an individual is using a non-prescription cream or powder or relying on a doctor’s care. Stopping the treatment before the recommended time period has elapsed, even if the rash is gone, can not only permit the infection to reestablish itself, but it can make it much more difficult to treat the next time around.

In addition, men can reduce their risk of re-infection by avoiding the sharing of personal items, including clothing, towels, and even razors. The fungal spores thrive in damp clothing or towels, and they can also be harbored in the blades of a razor; and using another individual’s personal hygiene items is asking for trouble.

On top of these measures, applying a male organ health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is a good choice for guarding against a wide range of problems, including minor skin infections. Moisturizing agents and natural anti-bacterials found in a quality nutrient cream like this can help to maintain the surface integrity of the skin and fend off external invaders. 

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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