Dry, cracked skin is a common – and often painful occurrence.  Aggravated by dry, cold air, or even as a result of a too-hot shower, dry skin is sure to catch up with everyone from time to time.  When the dry skin happens on the hands or face, one hardly thinks twice before slathering moisturizing lotion on the affected area.  However, when it comes to a more delicate area like the male organ, men tend to be more cautious about what they use – and may not even be aware of what male organ care steps to take to protect their manhood.  With just a few simple steps – and maybe a slight modification of the daily grooming routine – the appearance and feel of the male organ skin can be completely rejuvenated.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has long been touted for its skin rejuvenating properties. Packed with antioxidants – which fight cancer-causing free radicals in the body – vitamin E has numerous healthful properties.  It has been known to reduce cholesterol; reduce joint inflammation caused by arthritis; boost immune function; and even help regulate hormones. Vitamin E is a common ingredient in high-quality skin care products, as it helps the skin retain its natural moisture. It also prevents dry skin from occurring and can help protect the skin from harmful UV rays.

Vitamin E has many health benefits specific to the male organ as well.  Not only can it improve the health and quality of the male organ skin, it can restore damaged tissue that causes the painful condition known as Peyronie’s disease (a curvature of the male organ brought on by scar tissue and plaque buildup). Vitamin E speeds healing by increasing blood flow to the male organ, making it an important part of any male organ care routine.

Shea Butter

Shea butter is a fat complex brought forth from the nut of the African Shea tree. This rich and luxurious compound is often found in high-quality lotions and moisturizers. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and serves as a natural emollient. Women have long been enjoying the benefits of silky skin by using products infused with Shea butter, so it is time men start to do the same.  Shea butter helps keep the skin smooth and increases elasticity; it can also provide relief for itchy or red skin.  Men who suffer from psoriasis or eczema – conditions that can even show up below the belt – may feel relief when treating the area with Shea butter.

Maintaining Male Organ Care

Though it may seem an intuitive process, many men do not give much thought to actually caring for the male organ. However, it is one part of the body worth keeping healthy.  A few simple steps can ensure the male organ stays healthy and vibrant – which are key components of a healthy and vibrant romantic life, to be sure.

  • Wash: Wash the male organ with a gentle cleanser. Men who are uncut need to take special care around the sheath area, as it is a breeding ground for bacteria and a common source of thrush and other fungus issues.
  • Dry: Gently pat the area dry when stepping out of the shower, do not vigorously rub with a towel as this removes moisture and can rough up the skin. Leave the skin slightly damp upon getting out of the shower.
  • Moisturize: Moisturize the male organ with a high-quality male organ vitamin formula containing vitamin E, Shea butter, and other vitamins and nutrients (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) Generously applying the male organ oil on still-damp skin helps lock in the moisture, which is crucial in combating dry, itchy skin. Be sure to select an all-natural moisturizer that is specially formulated for the male organ to achieve maximum benefit and contribute to the overall health of the package.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: http://www.man1health.com.  John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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