What exactly is premature ejaculation? Well, it depends on who you ask. But the common consensus is that if you regularly come to a climax too early during sex without fulfilling your partner, you may be one of many men who are suffering from premature ejaculation (PE). As many as one in three men are believed to be afflicted with this sexual dysfunction. Actual figures may actually be higher as this is an embarrassing ailment that not many guys are willing to openly discuss.

What are the symptoms of premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation can be categorized by lifelong (primary) or acquired (secondary). The former can be characterized by early ejaculation within one minute following intercourse. This is often accompanied by a severe lack of confidence in bed and in worst cases, an avoidance of sex altogether. On the other hand, secondary PE is often marked by persistent ejaculation before both you and your partner wish that it happens. Guys who are experiencing secondary PE usually have enjoyed fulfilling sexual relationships in the past.

Are you at risk?

There are some men who are at higher risks of developing premature ejaculation. These include guys who are suffering from some form of erectile dysfunction. Men who have problems with erection often subconsciously hurry through sexual intercourse for fear of losing their erections. One of the biggest contributors to early ejaculation is stress or emotional strain. So men who are often emotionally stressed out are at a higher risk of ejaculating early during sex. This is nature's way of releasing tension that has been pent up.

Do you need to seek medical attention?

If your lack of sexual endurance is causing great distress to you and your partner, it is recommended that you seek medical assistance. The doctor would be able to advice on the appropriate treatment to help you cope with the problem. In some cases, the doctor will even suggest that you are not even experiencing early ejaculation, especially if it occurs only occasionally. Likewise, if you can satisfy your partner even if you do not last more than 2 to 4 minutes during intercourse, there is no real cause for concern.

Coping with premature ejaculation

There are many forms of treatments, and what you choose to use will depend on the severity of your condition. These options include natural sexual therapy and conditioning, such as the squeeze technique to re-wire your ejaculatory triggers; medications that include the use of anti-depressants or topical anesthetic creams or sprays.

The bottom line is, premature ejaculation is very common and is a treatable condition. By understanding why you are ejaculating prematurely, you can use the appropriate solutions to permanently end your ejaculation problems and achieve the coveted ability to enjoy long-lasting sex!

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