Improving Your Bunker Play
It does not matter if you are someone who is relatively new to golf or someone who has been playing for many years; bunker play is always going to be near the top, or at the top, of most every players list of areas they need to improve on, especially for those with a high handicap.
If you are suffering from the bunker play blues, the following are just a few of the tips and tricks you can begin practicing today to have a better game going forward. By taking these things into consideration, you will begin to learn the reason the pros seem to make some of the craziest bunker shots look absolutely easy.
When facing a dry sand bunker play, the steps to a better shot include:
• Choke down - Keep your right index finger approximately 1” from the bottom of the grip to maintain better control of the club.
• If you happen to keep a wide stance while readying this particular shot, narrow it a bit.
• Settle into the shot by letting your feet dig into the sand just a bit.
• Remain still – No twists or turns of your body. Keep your hips in position.
• To get the steep result you’re after keep the swing vertical and in your arms. As the backswing surfaces, the end of the grip should be aimed at the ball.
• Don’t aim for the ball – Your swing should be aimed about 1” shy of the ball, at the sand behind it. (It will successfully get the ball out if you’re line up correctly, every time.) Don’t be afraid to drive the head of your club into the sand just under the ball to achieve more loft.
• Follow through after the ball with your arms and the rest of your body once it begins to lift away from the sand.
• You don’t need an aggressive swing. Having a steep angle is what you need in this situation to reach a successful conclusion, which is moving the ball forward and into a better position.
Facing bunker play when the ball is almost completely buried in sand
You might be asking about now, “What about if the ball is buried to the point I can only see the top?” This can be a shot that sends shivers of fright down a new player’s spine. But, with a little work and a lot of practice you can do it. For this shot you’ll want to open your stance up just a little while keeping the majority of your weight on your front food. Choke down on the club as you normally would and press your hands forward just enough and close the club-face by turning the club before taking the grip (very important). Keep the lower half of your body perfectly still and go for a steep backswing with your right elbow locked and your left arm leading the so that it becomes completely horizontal with the ground. Hit about 2” behind the ball and get the swing through.
Remember, being able to approach bunker play with confidence is really all about four things: your stance, how you distribute your weight, ball position, and which club you’re going to use. Once you have the basics in mind on what you will do to get better bunker play, practice as often as you can so that the shots become second nature. And, don’t forget to use the right club. Sand wedges can do the job, but a great lob wedge (one with about 60 degrees) will be what gets you the best loft and most success in bunker play.
For more on improving your bunker play, please visit us at
If you are suffering from the bunker play blues, the following are just a few of the tips and tricks you can begin practicing today to have a better game going forward. By taking these things into consideration, you will begin to learn the reason the pros seem to make some of the craziest bunker shots look absolutely easy.
When facing a dry sand bunker play, the steps to a better shot include:
• Choke down - Keep your right index finger approximately 1” from the bottom of the grip to maintain better control of the club.
• If you happen to keep a wide stance while readying this particular shot, narrow it a bit.
• Settle into the shot by letting your feet dig into the sand just a bit.
• Remain still – No twists or turns of your body. Keep your hips in position.
• To get the steep result you’re after keep the swing vertical and in your arms. As the backswing surfaces, the end of the grip should be aimed at the ball.
• Don’t aim for the ball – Your swing should be aimed about 1” shy of the ball, at the sand behind it. (It will successfully get the ball out if you’re line up correctly, every time.) Don’t be afraid to drive the head of your club into the sand just under the ball to achieve more loft.
• Follow through after the ball with your arms and the rest of your body once it begins to lift away from the sand.
• You don’t need an aggressive swing. Having a steep angle is what you need in this situation to reach a successful conclusion, which is moving the ball forward and into a better position.
Facing bunker play when the ball is almost completely buried in sand
You might be asking about now, “What about if the ball is buried to the point I can only see the top?” This can be a shot that sends shivers of fright down a new player’s spine. But, with a little work and a lot of practice you can do it. For this shot you’ll want to open your stance up just a little while keeping the majority of your weight on your front food. Choke down on the club as you normally would and press your hands forward just enough and close the club-face by turning the club before taking the grip (very important). Keep the lower half of your body perfectly still and go for a steep backswing with your right elbow locked and your left arm leading the so that it becomes completely horizontal with the ground. Hit about 2” behind the ball and get the swing through.
Remember, being able to approach bunker play with confidence is really all about four things: your stance, how you distribute your weight, ball position, and which club you’re going to use. Once you have the basics in mind on what you will do to get better bunker play, practice as often as you can so that the shots become second nature. And, don’t forget to use the right club. Sand wedges can do the job, but a great lob wedge (one with about 60 degrees) will be what gets you the best loft and most success in bunker play.
For more on improving your bunker play, please visit us at
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