One of the things I learned about nitric oxide is it’s a poisonous gas… unless your body produces it internally, and uses it…internally. Nitric oxide is a simple molecule really, composed of one nitrogen atom and one oxygen atom, and in reality there is no such thing as a “nitric oxide” supplement – not directly at least.

In 1998, when Louis Ignarro researched this topic, he knew that arginine, a semi-essential amino acid, taken in conjunction with citrulline (another amino acid) and vitamins A and C would work together in the body to produce nitric oxide. Semi-essential means your body CAN produce it IF you get enough exercise and eat right… so guess what? We need it as a supplement!

So, why is nitric oxide a big deal?

It turns out that nitric oxide is a vasodilator. That means it relaxes the blood vessels. Several benefits are then derived and these include: increased delivery of oxygen to vital organs and tissues; increased energy/reduced fatigue; greater endurance; LOWER RISK OF HEART ATTACK.

In a nation where 33% succumb to heart disease and stroke, it would seem that this should *just make sense*.

Too much of a good thing?

With *anything*, you can over-do it as well. Arginine is commonly regarded as safe in amounts up to 6 grams (6000 mg) per day.

In our research, and we here at MWGBC recommend very few products, we HAVE found ONE that meets our demanding standards, and we challenge you to review this product.

Who should take this nitric oxide producing product?

YOU if you are anywhere “north” of 40 years old, and since we know heart attacks can strike virtually anyone, thats who should be using it! Got someone in your life that fits this profile? SHARE this article!

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You can create your own business and retire enjoying health & wealth...
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