There are several necessary steps to start networking online. Anyone can join a group, pay their fee, and get a fully functioning web site for making money.


One of the most difficult and very necessary items is driving traffic to your web site. This is relatively easy to do and listed below are a few ways to drive traffic to your opportunity.


  1. Article marketing is the primary way I drive traffic to my web site. I have a personal web site and blog almost everyday. It will normally take around thirty days of new articles and posting them everyday before you will start driving traffic to your web site.
  2. The other method is driving traffic using traffic exchanges. I never had any progress using this method until just recently when someone showed me how to work the traffic exchanges to my benefit. At first I was skeptical but after getting a few hits I changed my mind.
  3. In neither example do I pay for traffic. The exception being my web page monthly expense.


Once you have a steady stream of traffic coming to your opportunity, you need a way to capture those leads. List building is done by everyone. If you are not building a list, you can be sure someone in your up-line is building a list.


As an example, let’s say you drove two thousand people to your opportunity last month. Out of those two thousand visitors, no one signed into your opportunity. If you are not capturing their email and name, those visitors are gone. Even if they come back to your opportunity, they are just a computer hit and not a visitor.


Now let’s say that two thousand people come the next month and one signs up for your articles and newsletter. You have set up an auto responder and send a friendly letter about once a month.


Finally on the fourth month, they act on your friendly email and join your opportunity. However, they join under the free option and then just sit on the opportunity. Finally in month nine, they pay their fee and get into the opportunity to make some money.


This would have never happened without an auto-responder. Hopefully your opportunity that you are trying to get people to sign into has an auto-responder system built in that you can use. Otherwise, you are building a list for someone else.


So the necessary steps to networking online are:


  • A web site
  • Driving Traffic to the website
  • A way to capture the visitors information
  • An auto-responder that sends emails and opportunity that have your name and information on.


This is only a simplistic article on network marketing. Please visit my website and see firsthand how I use the above suggestions. The website is Terry F. Warner.

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