Setting up a blog is much easier than a lot of people make it out to be. However, there's so much information out there that it can seem quite daunting to a beginner. 

Well, I know some guys who made it really simple. Their names are Yaro Starak, Gideon Shalwick and Leslie Samuel, and they put together a video training program that has been used by many successful bloggers to get their blog up and running. 

To make it better, they have a set of 10 Free videos available where you get to watch Leslie as he sets up a blog from scratch, and it is done in such an easy way that anyone can follow. 

So, I recommend for you to head on over there and check them out: 

Those free videos have been downloaded over 250,000 times - that's enough proof for me that when these guys speak, people stop what they're doing, and listen. 

It's no secret that Yaro makes a VERY comfortable living from his blog. Gideon is the king of Video Blogging, and Leslie has also been able to accomplish BIG things with his blog (it even landed him a job as a University Professor in a doctoral program). 

Leslie's the one who actually leads out with the free videos and has set it up as one of the training programs where you can ask questions and get answers, so I know you will enjoy it. 

But really, you should check it out for yourself. 

Here's the link again 

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