I have been evaluating many programs over the past year that are internet based programs that are suppose to earn you money. I am on a journey to determine what these programs are. I have some success with some I have joined and others not so much. I am going to list a number of programs that I believe are really cool to use to generate income on the front end to fund another program.

The source that is really popular and really works is the ZNZ program. While it takes some effort you can earn from this. I have found that most people who decide that it does not work did not attempt it very long or not at all. I have found that in taking a few of these ZNZ platform links you can generate a very nice amount of money.

The three of my preference were ZNZ one, Big Cash and Bluray.
For those interested:
This one pays $60 per referral .
This one pays $20 per referral
This one pays $30 per referral.
All of these together gives a sum of $110 total just for completing two easy steps and referring someone. This system is simple and easy. This is also a really cool program for stay at home moms,retired,students,etc. 

Another affiliate program that i have just got involved with is the Get Response affiliate program. This company is paying 33% commission to its affiliates just to promote it. They provide banners and other marketing tools to help with the promotions. This one is also very easy to do.

To sum things up I think there are many opportunities for making income online. There is just a matter of which ones to participate in. However, which ever program that you join. Remember that it must be something that can be leveraged with another to make a change in your lives.

Good Luck everyone