Natural Selling By: Michael Oliver


When I talk with Network Marketers, it’s surprising how many are reluctant to talk with friends and family about their business.

Actually, it’s not surprising considering many of them are still trained to blurt out what they are doing to every one within “3 Feet” of them when they start. (I’ve never liked that “3 Foot” expression – it’s so demeaning and impersonal).

The truth is, distributors don’t have a hammer and everyone is NOT a nail!

And distributors know from intuition or experience the pain of the rejection that comes from doing that to people.


It’s a shame really that they hold back especially when there is a much easier and more effective way of approaching people.

Perhaps even worse is, that they might need what you have and they’re missing out because you don’t know how to speak with them correctly about it.

So, what’s the solution so that everyone wins? Here are some suggestions.

First, always keep in mind the first principle of Natural Selling… The purpose of your business is to help people solve their problems. So start off by simply discovering if they have a problem you can help them with. That’s all.


Next, take time to prepare yourself. Think about everything you know about them. Write down everything you can about their family, their hobbies, their sports, their jobs, their relationships, and especially their likes, dislikes, passions, and so on.

Write down all the problems you might have heard them talk about, that your business opportunity might be able to solve. Things like health problems or tight finances, and think, if you can, how it’s affecting them.


When you do speak with someone keep in mind the following…

Respect the relationship that is already there. What’s more important? Your friendship or wanting them as a business partner?

Hold back from talking about your business opportunity. Your aim at this stage is to simply discover if they are looking for something that your solution can give them. If in the course of your dialogue your friend expresses a need to change their present situation, then you can offer them the opportunity to do so. If they don’t stay detached and move the conversation elsewhere.


If you adopt this approach, you won’t run the risk of upsetting people. You’ll be surprised at how many people will give an indication they are prepared to look at changing IF you give them the space and time to talk.

Talking with people is easy if you know how. Talking with people you know is one of the topics I cover in Chapter 11 of my book “How To Sell Network Marketing Without Fear, Anxiety or Losing Your Friends!“


It’s also the subject of my audio program “Talking With Friends“. This contains a number of role plays that demonstrate how to approach those close to you in a way that’s comfortable for both of you and also very effective in developing your business.


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