I own a few text ad exchanges and what I see is that people join and then don't use all the free advertising that is available to them.  So I'm going to try and share some of the things that you should be using and am not.

One when you join a text ad exchange, the site owner normally gives you a code for some free advertising and it's amazing how many people do NOT type in this code and use it. 

If you don't know what and where to use them - you login and go to your members section and then scroll down on the left till you see advertising set up - click on that and you will see where to add the code.

Here is a bonus for you - join one of my sites, add this bonus code - apsense - for reading this article and I'll give you more free advertising - here are my text ad sites http://www.northerntraffic.net/images/mytext.htm - join one or all and take advantage of this great offer.  No more excuses for not having a place to advertise and no money to advertise. (don't miss the code on the sales page also)

Now on to the other advertising that you are leaving behind and I think the reason is that the HTML scares lot of people and don't know how to post HTML ads.  Well when I first started it was not as easy as it is now - most sites that you join have the code include in the promo tools.

Now for any of you that don't like doing HTML coding - I have another surprise for you - I wrote a report with some of my secrets and how I learned HTML - if you have not gotten your copy yet - Online Courses In Marketing

The other thing that I have noticed is that people do not use banners like they should - I get alot of signups from banners - the key is to be different - it don't have to be flashy - just make them curious enough to click - in the post is a sample of one that I made and can use it with lot of sites - let me know what you think.

I hope this article will help you and make it easier - if you still feel stuck - then Skype me @ nancyradlinger

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